I am a Published Writer!

Last Update: July 16, 2012
WAHOOOOOOO! Ding Dang it! Jumpin' Jack Jehosephat!

I woke this morning to an email telling that I am a published writer!

And not only that! But sometime during the night, 8 people have viewed my article. I am beginning to be amazed. An ole cowpoke like myself, writing about everyday life. Getting published and people actually reading what I am writing.

That's enough to make me want to write some more! And that's exactly what I am working on.

So a great big HOWDY DEW to all who have answered questions and encouraged me as I have here at WA. So glad I responded to that ad in Craigslist!

PS Oh and I am currently doing something else new. I am working on building a website!
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ronamo Premium
congrats, we are all happy for you
georgejhaas Premium
Great! What an accomplishment. Keep up the good work. You will become a successful online marketer and very soon!
Ty Johnson Premium
AWESOME, I am very happy for you =)
WayneBPK Premium
lol .. congrates and LOVE the enthusiasm!! Keep it up:)
avonhagn787 Premium
Congrats to you! You deserve to be proud!