Who eats FIRST?

Last Update: July 10, 2012

The difference between dogs/cats and other animals such as cows, sheep, goats, and the like are that dogs and cats live in the house. Strange comparison?

Stay with me here, because this difference is important!! I grew up on the farm, and I knew that the animals could not feed themselves. My father and grandfather made sure I knew that the animals were fed first, then we got to go have breakfast.

What does this have to do with dogs? I usually am up quite early, and of course, I remembering my upbringing, feed the 3 dogs. Then my wife and I have breakfast. Kat, my wife, tells me that it's not good to feed the dogs before us. I, being trained by my parents, knew this could not be!! Feed the animals first! That's my motto.

So here's the deal. Dogs are pack animals. The live in our home. If dogs are to learn to behave, then they must come to know us as their pack leader or in other words, Alpha. DING, DING, DING!!!

So when I feed the dogs first.....I am telling them they are above me in the social ladder of the house. They take control. Then I am to expect them to listen to me? Yeah, RIGHT!!!

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Labman_1 Premium
Many of the Alpha dog theories are a bag of manure. Dogs have sufficient intelligence to figure out how to manipulate their environment. They are masters at this. It has nothing to do with Alpha dog vs. human. It has to do with the fact that they do what works to get what they want. Do they want food, absolutely. Do you make them sit and wait until you let them eat. Well if you are smart you do. Feeding time is a great time to reinforce their repertoire. To heck with the Alpha stuff. Use it as a training experience.
Nice answer Labman, this is actually one of the few times I can actually get them to sit and behave, because I actually have leverage. Nothing to do with Alpha, just who has access to the feed cupboard! They know they have to please to be fed!
ThomasPaul Premium
Hmmm, interesting. I had never about this until reading your blog post.
Yeah, me too...until my wife, Kat, set me straight! lol
Nevets Premium
Saw a dog training show that said you should finish eating your meal before you feed your dogs. This proves your dominant just like you said.
Exactly what my wife said!! LOL Being an ole cowpoke, I never even thought about the difference until today
The animals still eat first in our house?!
At our house too!! LOL Just may change when the Dogs eat At least it made sense in my feeble mind LOL