Time to put myself out there!

Last Update: July 12, 2012
I have spent the last 3 days researching, learning, and even dreaming about WA. Now I think it's time to 'publish' some short term goals I have written.

1. Treat WA like the university it is. (I am here to learn)
a. Take a class each day (taking notes)
b. Implement the principles learned
c. Ask questions as needed

2. Blog each day and review what was learned, done, etc.

3. Relax and enjoy chatting.

4. Make my first $1 by 1 Aug, 2012 in my new career as an Internet Marketer

5. Make some midterm and long range goals (being sure to get them out there as well)

Oh by the way, this is something I learned that needed to be done to be successful.

Would be great if I could find a mentor that is a straight shooter and will hold my feet to the fire, so to speak. You know, like hey Pat, where's your daily blog and why haven't I seen you around lately.

I think this venue is a great place for mentors and students to connect.

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Shawn Martin Premium
OK, I am waiting for that blog tonight.............. :)
stadium Premium
Hi, you can do it
thanks for the encouragement!
LOL oops, guess my old brain lost a year somewhere---It's not 2011? weird!
and it works to edit comments too! Awesome. I am learning. Thanks for the headsup.
There are people reading my posts? COOL!
@RICH. Premium
It's under Actions. :)
@RICH. Premium
Hey Pat, item 4, "first $1 by 1 Aug, 2011", ok can I borrow your time machine when you've finished with it? ;)