Posts by MikeyT 8
August 03, 2012
Wow - Recently subscribed to Jaaxy and I'm LOVING IT!I didn't realise how easy it's made finding all that low hanging fruit until I played with it. It'll make my future article campaigns soooo much better targeted for easy to rank for keywords, giving me the best traffic.If I'd used this at the start of my IM life, I'd probably have chosen a different keyword for my site, but it really doesn't matter now. I can simply put effort into other keywords with low competitio
May 30, 2012
So, I just checked this weekend and my site has returned to the serps and I'm sitting pretty at the number 2 spot and number 5 respectively for my 2 top keywords!! (Page 1).After about 3, to 3 and a half months doing the 'google dance' I'm finally back. I couldn't see my site anywhere in the top 30 ages during this time, but now I'm back! Just a message to anyone who has lost their rankings but is still indexed, your site will come back... eventually, but could be gone an
April 07, 2012
Hi, just wanted to share my recent discovery. As Google has apparently "sandboxed" my site at the moment, I've been concentrating on building it out and creating backlinks to keep it growing steadily. I'm doing this while it doesn't actually appear in the SERPs as it did up until a couple of weeks ago. Occasionally I'll type the domain keyword into the Google search bar and see if it's reappeared yet (still no sign, thanks Google!) however, the other day somethi
February 15, 2012
OK, so now got me 9 articles done (8 are now live) and published to Ezine Articles. I will start posting to Street Articles next as well and continue to post to both for as long as I can. I've also got Twitter and Facebook pages linked to my site and articles helping boost my site in google. Feeling positive and motivated and happy to be adding all these back links. Now for Day 12 and social bookmarking with more back links to my articles!!
OK - So I've written my article and I'm all excited about submitting it to StreetArticles. Only problem is that it's not submitting!! Arrgh... frustrating!... but I will get to the bottom of it. Nothing will get in my way of submitting my first article lol. 
December 15, 2011
 Happy to say I've now completed day 4 and it opened my eyes to keyword research. It's great to be able check out number of keyword searches vs competition. Found some gems and made a nice list to use now and in the future. Roll on day 5...
December 14, 2011
I just searched on my blog's main keyword and I'm sitting pretty in the number one spot!! I've only just created the site and built the pages... this is before starting keyword research on Day 4 of the 30 day success club! Awesome!! Only just finished day 3 and I'm number one... that's a lot faster than I thought it would happen.
Have just finished Day 3 and am feeling good... took a while to get in to a routine but I'm just doing an hour a day (my lunch hour at work) and bit-by-bit i'm getting there. It's good fun too learning so much! I already feel like I've achieved something big! : D On to Day 4 and some keyword research!