Return to the SERPs!

Last Update: May 30, 2012
So, I just checked this weekend and my site has returned to the serps and I'm sitting pretty at the number 2 spot and number 5 respectively for my 2 top keywords!! (Page 1).

After about 3, to 3 and a half months doing the 'google dance' I'm finally back. I couldn't see my site anywhere in the top 30 ages during this time, but now I'm back!

Just a message to anyone who has lost their rankings but is still indexed, your site will come back... eventually, but could be gone anywhere from 1 to 6 months. Just HANG IN THERE and it'll come back. I used the time to keep adding back links and update my site... (Still got lots to do to make it a great site) but it's now in a strong position and less likely to be affected by future google slaps.

Back to the grindstone methinks.

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MikeyT Premium
Hi Goldenlady... unfortunately I don't have a YouTube video up... that'll be one of my competitors! I've only had one sale from SEO/pagerank so far as I haven't built up enough back links for different keywords. I didn't want to build too many as Google have slapped my site around all over the place recently. Just trying to build slow until it settles down for now. I only do an odd few hours per week on the site, so not enough consistency at the moment! I want to stay in Googles good books too. ;-)
Goldenlady Premium
Hi Mike,
That YouTube is great! Are you generating many sales from this site?
Goldenlady Premium
Congratulations, Mike. I don't see your website listed here on your blog. What are the keywords to find your site? I'd like to view it.
MikeyT Premium
Hey Golden Lady, thanks for the Congrats! Keywords are:
how to fix a break up, how to fix a breakup
Looks like the site is still bouncing around a bit in google but my site, seems to be staying on page 1 for both. (I think one is currently at pos 5)
Mr.Niceguy Premium
Let me be the first to congratulate you! Oh, yeah.... what's SERPs?
MikeyT Premium
Hey Mr.Niceguy, many thanks! :-)

SERPS stands for Search Engine Results Page(s), basically when you type something into Google for instance and hit Search... the SERPs are the pages that appear with the results of your search on. (The list of websites basically) So my site came back to the first page for my keyword and i was actually in the number 2 position on the page (hopefully still am!)
