Article written... now just learn the SA ropes!

Last Update: December 21, 2011

OK - So I've written my article and I'm all excited about submitting it to StreetArticles. Only problem is that it's not submitting!! Arrgh... frustrating!... but I will get to the bottom of it. Nothing will get in my way of submitting my first article lol. 

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johnforte5 Premium
Thats the spirit bro. Not allowing any hindrance(s) deter you from your goal at WA. Remember whatever it is that does not kill you makes you stronger. I never thought i could write as much as I am now until i came to WA. Now, I churn out articles on a regular basis and any day or week I miss doing so I become so conscious.
Keep going bro.
MikeyT Premium
Many thanks for your kind words of encouragement and support!! :-)