Posts by Morlandroger 25
November 26, 2010
That is "flipping" liberty for those of a sensitive disposition. I did a search for my article keyword in " " and lo and behold I came across Hey great I thought someone is using  my article,-Six-Handy-Tips&id=5433226 Yep word for word except for the last paragraph, resource box and links. I do know that this is a recurring problem that crops up now and again for u
They say this is for the long term and I can see that. Articles that will always be out there but this is ridiculous. Received an email today telling that an article had been accepted on Great you are all saying. Trouble is that I posted it on the site on 7th July. Suspect they may be short of proof readers. :-)
November 04, 2010
Managing to just about keep on top of the STFClub and tasks but getting negative vibes from my OH. She does not believe that this will work, she thinks that I am on a loser promoting a weight loss site (even though I point out that that is what the club is about). I also suspect that the time I spend over the computer is not appreciated. She thinks this is all abig scam.  I am determined to keep going though. Bit to do yet but I aim to get there. Roger
October 24, 2010
Gulp! I got accepted for the new article club. A real challenge but I really believe that it will get me pointed in the right direction. I have picked the STF campaign because it is outside my comfort zone even though I have a medical background.  The promise is ethical marketing so I intend to buy STF and actually follow it through myself. Doing it that way I will know if it is really ethical. Watch this space
May 13, 2010
I have just set up a website promoting a  cookery book on Amazon that accompanies a TV series running in the UK.   No sales yet but it may have promise. One of my keywords now shows up at no 3 on google for an ezine article and not only that but it is ABOVE the authors own blog!  The only two entries higher are both for the TV company showing the programme. Now I have to work out how to get the site to rank higher. Roger