Posts by Praise 8
Discover how a simple, empty pickle jar can make you think about priorities and choices in life.
July 21, 2012
Google AlternativesRecently I came across an interesting posting of a business owner who uses Google Places who received a request from Google for a copy of his business license. I don’t know if it was based on a violation but it made me think, “What if Google decided to request business licenses of other business owners, like freelancers/sole proprietors, who do not have a business license?”It reminded me that it’s not a good idea to place all of your eggs in one basket,
In life, there's good pain, bad pain and ugly pain. Good pain = Don't stop moving Yesterday and today, I did a basic routine of push-ups, squats, sit-ups, burpees, and medicine ball throws. Simple exercises but boy, are my muscles sore. I find it more painful to move from sitting in one position for awhile, like getting out of my car after driving, yet if I stretch periodically, I get relief from the muscle soreness.  Essentially, whether it's muscle soreness after exerc
How to Learn Faster & Better A. Improve and Maintain Your Health     1.    Exercise. No time? Get up and shake a leg for 1 - 2 minutes. Increased blood flow, increases your ability to concentrate.     2.        Eat breakfast. You don’t drive your car without gasoline, so don’t start your day on an empty stomach. Your brain needs fuel...and contrary to popular belief, it’s not caff
The achilles' heel of online success is the dangling carrot called breakthrough. Whether it is a light bulb idea of how to solve a seemingly unsurmountable problem, an exciting discovery, or a major shift in direction. The end result of a sweet breakthrough is success (I’ll let you fill in the blank for defining success on your terms...but you get the idea). Truth be told...breakthroughs happen all the time, every day in various degrees on personal and business levels. The opposi
1. Get organized on a personal and business level. Be methodical instead of haphazard to increase your chances of success of achieving personal and business goals. I'm in the middle of doing spring cleaning.  2. Spending more than you earn can get you into trouble yet sticking to a budget, like a diet, can be difficult. One guiding principle that helps me is to ‘get only what I need, so I can get exactly what I want’. For example, when it comes to clothes and shoes, I
July 22, 2011
On July 7th, I called a friend to simply to 'Hi'. Someone else answered the phone. [Her husband usually answers the phone when she is tied up...she must be tied up] "How are you related to her?' This person asked. [I hear talking in the background...perhaps she's having a family she never has a group of friends over at one time] I state that I'm her friend... [I feel like I'm interrupting something important...just want to get off the phone] "My sister died yesterday."
Procrastination is a belligerent, pesky fella who wears many hats... Disorganization Time Management Stress-induced catatonia  Frozen nerves Lack of inspiration There are many forms of procrastination.   But you're not alone.  Many people feel great having invested in their marketing education. They pledge to dive into the materials as soon as they have time. But of course life happens and learning is put on the back burner for ‘when you have the time.’ Or you may read a