How often do you hear yourself saying: "No, I haven't done it...yet; I've been meaning to."

Last Update: July 11, 2011

Procrastination is a belligerent, pesky fella who wears many hats...


Time Management

Stress-induced catatonia 

Frozen nerves

Lack of inspiration

There are many forms of procrastination. 

 But you're not alone. 

Many people feel great having invested in their marketing education.

They pledge to dive into the materials as soon as they have time.

But of course life happens and learning is put on the back burner for ‘when you have the time.’

Or you may read all the material, watch all the videos and listen to all the audios. You have the best intentions to take action...when you’ve learned one more thing, grasped one more concept...figured out how to ‘put it together coherently, productively and successfully.”
Or you may be the one who study, research, stop reading, take a deep breath and actually start doing.

Learning the skill set, knowledge and ‘expensive mistakes’ that other people have made is definitely beneficial and smart but you can't really master a skill or a business until you
actually take the leap, create your first product, offer your
first service, and make your first sale.

Knowing theory without taking action is useless.

What will you do within the next 24 hours?

The time for action is now.




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jatdebeaune Premium
You usually procrastinate and put off the thing you dread doing, which is usually the thing that you need to do the most. There's usually fear around it. When you face the fear and do that thing you've been dreading, it's not hard at all. Then you wonder why you have delayed your own progress.
Wayne Hudler Premium
It is the "doing" that makes the difference. What moves a person to begin "dong'? What gives them that combination of knowledge, courage and gumption to launch themselves into any new undertaking?

I contend it boils down to a struggle between fear (of failure or success) & the motivation to create whatever change is desired.

Choose progress. Begin the "doing". Press forward.
Praise Premium
Procrastination - The friendliest enemy you will ever have.

Procrastination has the potential to affect many areas in your life. You may have 10 things on your to-do-list but focus on the one thing that is absolutely important to you...focus on the 'why' all of your energy to that one action...and procrastination won't be able to stop will procrastinate in the other 9 area but the one area that is absolutely important to you, closest to your heart, will be the one thing that you will experience a breakthrough.

Don't give up!
nomadkfd Premium
Procrastination - The friendliest enemy you will ever have.

I found that there is no cure for Procrastination. Think of it as more of an addiction that can seep back into your life when you start making excuses.

I argued with a friend once on whether you can totally rid yourself of Procrastination and lost the argument. He was able to convince me that I was wrong and that once you start doing everyday your Procrastination is cured. He came back later to tell me that I was right and he was wrong. I did not want to hear that.
Jamie Smith Premium
The time for action is now, well said!