Life Is A Dash

Last Update: July 22, 2011

On July 7th, I called a friend to simply to 'Hi'.

Someone else answered the phone.

[Her husband usually answers the phone when she is tied up...she must be tied up]

"How are you related to her?' This person asked.

[I hear talking in the background...perhaps she's having a family she never has a group of friends over at one time]

I state that I'm her friend...

[I feel like I'm interrupting something important...just want to get off the phone]

"My sister died yesterday."

[There's hundreds of people with my friends first name and I happen to call the wrong number...she's never have a bunch of people in her home at once...this is obviously the wrong number...]

I say my friends full name...[my friends' first name is a common has to be the wrong number...]


I knew she was ill. Not this ill but the possibility was there. The last time I spoke with her was about 2 months ago. 

She said, "I'm doing OK." 

I heard the strength in her voice and the reassurance that she was OK. I may not have talked with her much...but I could tell when she was not feeling well. I would question her more and call more often until I knew she was OK.

We usually do not go 2 months without talking. I was busy. I ignored the urge to call her a couple of times...

[Later...I'll call her later...] 


Life is a dash between 2 dates...for everyone.

“We don’t beat the Reaper by living longer. We beat the Reaper by living well.”

-Randy Pausch (1960-2008), The Last Lecture at Carnegie Mellon


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Praise Premium
Angib88 - I console myself with the belief that she understands all where she is now and forgives me for not calling her sooner.
That was my exact reaction...thanks for posting.

Thanks for the feedback Wayne.
angib88 Premium
So sorry for your loss. I had a similar situation with my best friend. I console myself with the belief that she understands all where she is now and forgives me for not calling her sooner. My thoughts are with you --and thank you for the reminder.
Wayne Hudler Premium
Your point is very well made. Thanks.
Praise Premium
Thanks Labman. My intention for this post was really to remind people to live their life to the fullest, without regret. That's why I posted the link for The Last Lecture. Randy really excelled as being an example of how to live life without regret.
Labman_1 Premium
Sorry for your loss.