Affiliate networks, too soon to set up shop?

Last Update: June 20, 2012
It’s Day #7 and I’m at the signing up to affiliate programs & networks stage. The former is easy enough, I’m registered with several already, including WA, simply by virtue of being a customer. It’s the latter, affiliate networks, that I’m slightly confused about. As a noob, my first ever website has barely any content apart from the requisite home, about, privacy policy etc. pages. I notice that the sign up pages for affiliate networks such as Amazon Associates require me to provide quite detailed information on my website. For example, questions about how many visitors I get, how I intend to build links, etc. I’ve searched the training but haven’t managed to stumble across anything that outlines how best to respond to these queries.
I’d be extremely grateful for any advice or observations. Is it too early for me to be trying to register with some of these affiliate networks?

Photo: Lynne Hand (CCL)
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Amy Farr Premium
I'm at about the same day Lynne.
I answer the questions honestly. Such as visitors:<500 month. You, I assume, are building links with other affiliate programs? Just click that, or answer "none" (If I remember correctly that is a choice?). I was honest and gave the minimal information and was approved.
Good luck!
@RICH. Premium
Hi Amy. Your reply is really helpful. It's given me the confidence to apply to Amazon. Thanks! Rich.
Amy Farr Premium
Sorry, all I did was glance at the photo name highlighted in blue "Lynne Hand", and addressed my reply to you as her (or him!)
Wow do I feel like a DOPE!!!
Pays to read more, :s
@RICH. Premium
No probs. Amy. I'm not fussed what anyone calls me, as long as they call! Rich.
ps. DOPEs don't share such great insights, so I'm afraid you don't qualify, sorry!