How to get rid of household cockroaches with gelignite

Last Update: July 16, 2012
OK, I have keyword rich domain name:

Quit laughing. I bet the YouTube video of the practical demo goes viral with millions of hits! :P

So, my question is how best to get traffic to lengthy keyword rich domains from such mundane items as business cards? Create a short-form domain ie. or the more memorable for use in print and emails and then use a 301 redirect to the keyword rich domain name? Likewise for social media such as Twitter, use something like @geliroach as the keyword rich domain name is impractical as a handle.

Ditto, FB and G+.

All thoughts, advice, inspiration, as always gratefully received. Thanks! Rich.

Photo: Martin Grimm (CCL)
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Labman_1 Premium
I'd watch that video. But only if the house is standing at the end. Need some humor too like after the explosion, zoom in on one lonesome cockroach leaving the premises.
@RICH. Premium
Good one, exit house with a Louis Vuitton trunk strapped to its back, huh? I've a scriptwriter working on the sequel, GeliRoach II, The Revenge. I must remember to set up a link to the crowdfunding! :P
Labman_1 Premium
Ok here's an image, Only the front door is still standing. Cockroach opens the door, leaves and closes it behind him. :)
@RICH. Premium
Love it, very Buster Keaton!
IveTriedThat Premium
Honestly, shorten that domain name up. The keyword phrase looks unique enough that you can easily rank for it using a standard article alone. I am impressed because that is one hell of a domain name haha. I didn't know they let you register ones that long.
Apina Premium
Well twitter for one has a max username length of 15 characters so you will have to work within that. Plus you get a to add a short description on your profile page where you could put the full name

Alternative is to create a brand site/social network name to link it with "CockroachMan" or somesuch.