Pencil Chewing Plans

Last Update: July 07, 2012
I am proud to announce that I’ve successfully (OK, that’s a matter of opinion, I know….) completed Your First 10 Days (hurrah!) three times (ouch!) and would just like to offer my sincere thanks to all those who supported me through it, multiple times.

I’d better give fair warning that this noob is about to sign up to WA for a year, news that will undoubtedly leave Beverley (@BIS) and Dean (@Apina) banging their heads on their respective desks as they have the most to bear as I’m in sync with their time zones. Sorry.

I’ve also decided to take next week out to concentrate on my least loved WA exercise, writing content, whilst I await the eagerly anticipated revised version of 30 Day Success Club (there’s a subtle hint in there, @Kyle!) as I’m reliably informed it will dovetail nicely from Your First 10 Days.

As some of you may be far too aware - from my constant griping - writing is my least loved WA exercise, so I’m going to attempt to reduce this skill down from a fine art to a basic science in the next few days, in any way that ends up working for me. I hereby issue an alert that if Kyle posts a comment that it should take less than an hour from concept-to-upload, or Beverley announces that she’s yet again knocked off another couple of articles before breakfast, I will be reduced to tears of anguish and frustration and indulge my self-pity and angst with a spot of carpet-chewing followed by a flood of fury in the chatroom.

However, helpful comments, advice, pointers-to-training, etc. in regard to the dark art of scribble-scribble-scribble, will be very gratefully received, as always. Thanks. Rich.

Photo: Irish Typepad (CCL)
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georgejhaas Premium
Congratulations on reaching this very important milestone. You now can see potential successes ahead of you. Do not feel so bad, my problem is also writing quality content. Not my most proficient task. Some suggestions in the writing area. Start your first major article on a topic that you love and like or something you know allot about. This will help you keep focused and write good content. On a piece of paper write down the major paragraph headings. This should help you to stay on course. I have to do this on topics I know allot about. If you don't, you will have a tendency to stray off subject. I promote products on my site as I am an associate of Amazon and other companies. Earn commissions on the products that are bought on my websites. Good luck in the wonderful future here at WA.
@RICH. Premium
Great tips, George, thanks. I shall add them to the arsenal of weapons I intend to bring to my currently slack scribbling in the coming weeks....!
Labman_1 Premium
Congratulations on your milestone. Keep in mind that before breakfast for Beverly is a span of about 4 hours. That's not to say that she doesn't write quickly just that she gets up waaaaay before most of us are in bed.
@RICH. Premium
Thanks, Craig, and good to hear about Beverley's early-bird technique, although at the moment I could get up 4 days before breakfast and still not have knocked out a single article. I know, practice, practice, practice.... !
Telmari Premium
Nicely done, Rich! Just think what will happen if you apply the success and motivation you've had already for another year here at WA!

I'm with ya on the writing thing - hearing how fast others crank out articles can be maddening when I'm still trying to get the hang of it too. Good thing is, with practice, we'll be those guys someday.... like "Yeah, I had to wait for a few minutes in the Dr. office for my appointment and managed to crank out 15 articles and put up 3 new micro niche sites and outsource a whole ad campaign" Can you imagine?! :D

Keep on with the nice work! Excited to continue to hear of your success!
@RICH. Premium
Hey Joshua, as always appreciate the support. I'm intending to commission articles for my planned subscription website, so having to write my own for the "experiments" has come as a total shock. However, I'm sure you're right, it's just a question of finding a methodology and then practice, practice, practice. I guess I'll just have to learn to live with the envy pangs that come from watching others bashing out copy on command.... for now..... :P