The worst idea, ever?

Last Update: June 14, 2012
Hi. I’m about to start Day #3, but earlier I went knocking on doors of brands I like, asking if it would be OK to make up a fan-site for them. No surprise, I got all slams — apart from one — an email came back from a CEO with: “Sure, would you like some free product to use as promo?”!
I’m a keen amateur photographer and their product is in the digital picture sector. The company has offices in four countries, millions of sales, advertise in national newspapers and enjoy positive reviews and a great tech-media buzz. I’m thinking there must be a lot of non-competitive photographic products and equipment that I could try promoting alongside the core fan-orientated editorial.
So, although it probably means I’m back to feeding my new-found domain addiction, I’m wondering if www.(brand) would be the way to go? I’m lining this site up to be my experiment #1, so I’d welcome advice, thoughts, criticisms, comments: “The worst idea, ever!”, etc. Thanks!

Photo: Olga Belobaba (CCL)
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jchilders Premium
Kind of depends on what you are trying to achieve overall.

Do you want to make an authority site on all things 'brand'? In that case, and you have the blessing of the company to use their brand name in the url, I'd say it would be a logical way to go.
@RICH. Premium
Hey Jon, thanks for taking the time out to respond, appreciate your input. It's the first thing I asked them before posting here, ie. would it be OK to incorporate their brand name as part of a fan-site url and the CEO said no probs. as long as I added a disclaimer to the site and recognised their registrations, trademarks etc. I'm getting the impression from reading some posts that authority on a highly specific niche may be one of the ways to go, but first-and-foremost creating such a site will be part of my learning experience. I've never made a website before. If it fails, it fails. I at least learnt on the job, so to speak!
jchilders Premium
That's the spirit! :)