Not sure I like the post-IPO Facebook

Last Update: May 21, 2012
All of a sudden, I can't look at someone's photo without having to stumble over an ad or app. There's even app that thinks it's cute to have you vote on a bunch a questions randomly linked to your network of friends. At least, i think they're randomly linked...

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jchilders Premium
LOL! I agree with the FB observation, although I was falling out of love with it long before they went public. But it's the 'place to be' so I guess I gotta grin and bear it.

I wish they added the equivalent of a 'do not call' list that would block the SPAM apps like that.

EDIT--- So what did you answer? :-P
IveTriedThat Premium
Are you sure it's not an application or something you allowed? I haven't noticed a difference at all. Well, that's not true. They got rid of that stupid 'Games Feed' that was annoying the hell out of me.
Sielke Premium
I'm with you Steve no changes on my side, but then again I use facebook for about 5 minutes a week.
suem Premium
I think you might be right - lots of my friend see to be sharing photos of the day and if you click on the photo it gives you the opportunity to "take the quiz" and there is a tab that says "answers about you" - I've never taken the quiz or clicked on the tab but one or both probably lead to an app!