About Ronit-drora
Joined July 2012
Hello !
My name is Ronit - Drora
I am holistic healer & Massage therapiest with background in vocal improvment skills.
Throguh time those two area immerge and enhance each other.The outcome:
I have discoverd and developed many techniques pertain healing,advanced vocal and breathing
About this and other health and wellness issues I am writing and willing to share.
Wealthy Affiliate seems to me like a well dezine vehicle that will help me distribute my valuable discoveries throghout the world.
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misshugh Premium
Hi and welcome to WA. Check out the great training here and ask questions if you need help. Thanks for the follow and best of luck!
Adrian66 Premium
Hi Ronit, the life you lead sounds amazing and very caring and giving, i'm sure a Health and Wellness Website would be perfect for you to build, (if you haven't already done so). Both myself and my wife enjoy learning about Louise L. Hay, from Hay House from your background I'm sure you know her well. A very inspirational lady have you read the book "You Can Heal Your Life" affimations can really be a powerful tool to enrich your life. So thanks for following me. As I’m also new to WA there’s lots to learn, but it is a great online community with like minded people. Please feel free to ask many questions (as you have ready done) and others who are more experienced than me will be only too happy to help. You may like to follow: Potpie Girl, Jay, Seth Layton and of course Kyle and Carson etc. you could take a look at my followers if you wish. You can also write a blog, or go to the Dashboard to ask questions. Your "First 10 Days" seems like a great place to start, so well done. But please try not to get overwhelmed with all the information if you're new like me, just try to take one step at a time, even if a step takes a few days, that's normal for us newbies :)) Once again it's great to see you here and congratulations on joining WA, all the best for now and I wish you well until soon, Adrian :))
TJ Books Premium
Welcome! Thank you for your comment. John
Renni Premium
You seemed frustrated in chat and I thought I'd stop by and ask how I can help you. It seemed like you weren't seeing the whole chat window or something. Take a deep breath and reply to this comment and let us know what's going on.

Do you see the Words "Your First 10 Days" to the left? Click on that and it will help.

Also click this and it may help you with the chat issue.


Private message me if you want.
ronit-drora Premium
Hello Renni YES i am frasttrated .i just discover your respond from 5 days ago I am looking for responses to what I am asking .puting alot of hours here but do not know were to find it . yesturday finelly I found full live chat of people with Kyle so I wrote a few question but still do'nt know were to find the answer. could you please tell me what is permalink? i appreciate you stoping by .I am in New York were are you?
garethb Premium
My name is Skip - Welcome to WA. I've been involved with WA since February 2012. I like that WA is a legit site and everyone here will help you succeed. Work hard and consistent and you'll succeed.