Back to Square One (And A Lot Wiser)

Last Update: July 09, 2010

 Ooops...It's back to square one for me but it's okay.  I've passed the dark tunnel, with a few changes.  I have learned a lot from those problems.  Still shady with Wordpress Express but I think this is a WA issue really.  

Thanks to Marcus' suggestion, I changed my domain (VERY HAPPY for the change).  

My blog and funnel is finally alive, everything connects, opt in, the whole lot  (all happened this morning).  Thank God.  One lesson I have learned with the blog & funnel is that the default for the list is set to the user name we use.  In my case, my user name in WA is Shaselle so the default form used in the blog and funnel is shaselle.  When I set up my email list at Aweber, I used a different list name so the two did not connect (although the rest of the email list were rightfully set up).   I learned about this through Aweber's technical support.   

Had I given up, this whole 'exercise' would have been a failure.   The internet marketing would have been a business for the chosen few and I would have been part of the statistics.   It's a classic example of  the saying "if there's a will, there's a way."   I was annoyed to the max but I did not let it overrule my being (I was tempted to quit but that was the brat side of me:)) not good.   Deep inside I just wanted it solved quickly.  But that is not the case in this business.  There are issues that takes time to get solved

To God be the Glory.  Divine intervention set it all up for me.  I stopped doing anything for a day or two and prayed for that problem, checked my orchids that are all in full bloom, took photos, breath some fresh air.  When I logged back in, issues were cleared up bit by bit.   

I appreciate the WA community who responded and I THANK all of those who are very encouraging and helpful during those dark moments, Marcus especially and to Kyle for the technical side.   (I still need my Wordpress to work though).  :))

Now am off to restart my campaign.  Enjoy your weekend everyone!



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Felio Premium
I'm happy for you. We are all in the learning process at the moment. When problems are resolved, it's a real joy. We need buddies around to help and encourage one another. Keep it up! A gold for your achievement.
Louise M. Premium
Sweet! Glad to know you're back on track!! :)
Duley Premium
Hi and very glad to hear things cleared up for you. Nothing like being frustrated and not knowing how to fix the issue. But like you said you took a couple of days off and when you came back, things maybe were a bit clearer. I think that is good to do from time to time or we may start pulling our hair out!
I am sure I am going to have to learn about Aweber and the blog and funnel here shortly lol. Hope I don't have too many problems.