
Last Update: March 28, 2010

Started my website but I have left it unfinished because I need to learn more how to do it or where to proceed.  I need someone to check and find out whether it's okay or not.  I might have to hire someone to help me finish it.  Not sure of my next move.  I'm taking a break for a while.  I'm disappointed because I sent a query to site rubix people but I got no reply. 

I am now beginning to believe that this isn't for everyone at all.  If you have no clue about making a website you take the lessons but, even that may not be enough to finish one.  I don't know, maybe am one of the dumb ones around.  :(

I stopped following up my friends about signing up because if I myself couldn't even continue doing it, what's the point?  I don't want to pass on something that I am now beginning to have some 'discomfort.'  

Time to reflect.  



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Peedsbornagain Premium
Hey Shaselle .. I promised u i would read ur blog .. how u been lately .. i hope u have been better and changed ur mind .. WA is a really cool place to learn and do Internet Marketing...

This is your 1st hurdle ...I think you should give urself the permission to fail .. cos its ok to fail .. but with each set back .. you should learn .. and take the lessons from the setbacks... i believe there is no such thing as failure just learning lessons ... so dont give up please ...

Give urself time ... follow the action plan and rinse and repeat .. for around 6 months and then come back to me and say that this doesnt work .. you will succeed as long as u dont stop or give up ... Period .. its that simple ...

I am also new here but , I dont want u to give up ...

Send me the url of ur site as well I d like to check it out ..

If i had to make one suggestion it would be ... try article marketing , squidoo and see how that goes .. follow the action plan .. dont worry ...
If u feel overwhelmed its normal .. it means that ur passionate and u want this to work ... but the only way it will work is if u keep at it ... never give up .. Period

You joined on 14th Mar .. its only been a fortnight ...

Give yourself a fighting chance dear ... COME ON!!!!!!!

Cheers ...
Let me know if u need any help , send me the url of ur site too ..

I hope i wasnt rude or aggressive .. dont wanna hurt ur feelings ...but as long as u dont quit .. i dont care .. I want u to stay and give urself a real fighting chance and time
weathergirl Premium
We all get in these slumps. I came to this knowing just enough about computers to be dangerous--which, trust me, isn't enough for any of this to come easy. It's a learning process. When we allow ourselves to get frustrated we forget that.

The biggest lesson I've learned is not to be afraid to ask for help. A little over a week ago I was beating my head against the wall over something and I finally just decided what the heck! I'm going to ask a guy who has 100+ sites and see if he can tell me what I'm doing wrong. And ya know what? He didn't just help me, he went into my site and optimized it! I never expected that...and it would have never happened if I hadn't swallowed my pride and asked (and yes, I asked him a bunch of stupid questions!) So my advice would be to go on the forum and post a please help me! post. Someone, who knows the ins and outs, will.

As an aside, I'm happy to help as much as I can--I just don't use site rubix that much. Feel free to pm me with any questions--there's nothing you can ask that I haven't thought.
LaVonne Premium
Hello Shashelle,
Do not give up or give in!. Internet work of any kind is a PROCESS. So do everything you can do to learn as much as you can first. Once you have done this, I have every confidence you will be ready to build your website, and do an exceptional job at it. Also, I am NEW here and I have not even begun to build my own website, and not to mention I don't want to rush headlong into it. Why don't you map out your plan first (i.e. what you want your site to be about, content, products, and whatever else is involved in the process). Anyway, my encouraging word for you is to take it step by step, a little here and little there. It is what I plan to do, and when I can, I will do everything I possibly can to help you, heck you may need to help me. I know that there are so many others here, that would be more than willing to lend a helping hand, just put out into the FORUM. Remember, you only FAIL if you decide to QUIT! I don't know you yet , but I choose to believe that YOU are not a quitter. My prayer for you is that God will give you direction and show you the way to do what needs to done as well as allow me and others to be a lifeline of support to you!
jatdebeaune Premium
Shaselle, I started not even knowing where the button was to turn on the darn computer, and cried when I found it because I was totally resistant and didn't want to know from computers. New things are nerve wracking at first. Don't make yourself crazy with tech stuff. I hear many people are frustrated with Rubix, even highly experienced people. If you want to build sites, then maybe you should try Weebly, also free. I hear it is a cinch. Stay with it because it gets exciting and you are in a place where you will get support like I've never seen in my life. It's a great opportunity. Go for it!
Wootton Premium
WHOA, hold on ,wait a minute, you cant stop now! you have just begun to fight and you are giving up the battle? NO WAY, you have already put yourself into motion to make yourself better and you going down this path because its starting to get hard. I said the same thing now my lens is on Google! I will help you any way i can, we are on this road together so when you struggle we all do!
Have you checked out potpiegirls tutorials?
Its not all about websites, i don't have one and i am on my to be very successful i can feel it and i believe it. Dont let all the info on this site overwhelm you, it did me and i just got away for a day and came back with fresh eyes and ambition. You can do this it wont happen over night, but with hard work and a little help from friends you will soon feel what success truly feels like!

PLZ go to my blog and read "CANT STOP WONT STOP" . That is what i wrote after i was in a slump kinda like yours!

I am always here