Writing Articles Like Crazy & Stuck With Technical Stuff

Last Update: June 11, 2010

I woke up one morning and realised that it's now time for me to wear  my snickers and start running - on the net that is.  My timetable says NOW for my Super Affiliate ad campaign.  These are what I'm doing:

  • ARTICLE WRITING -More significantly doing a lot of targeting my niche, keyword research, researching topics and writing like crazy.  My goal is to follow Kyle and Carson's advise (to write 10 articles/week).  I am however capable of writing 2 articles a day so that's my goal for now - 2 articles a day.   Got my first article published in ArticleBase.  I've some waiting over for Squidoo and Ezine.  Not bad attempts I guess.    I find that Article Marketing can be a very good way of driving customers to your site and its FREE.  
  • PPC - I am risking a few bucks for Google ads following an advise I read somewhere that it is another effective/brilliant approach.  I got it managed though.  I see it to be too risky if I do it myself so I hired some group who does it for me.  I will share it with you all when I get good results (i'm your guinea pig here for now).  If I succeed, I will share the organisation's name.  The reason being I don't want to be a cause (direct or indirect) of someone losing money in case it will not work.  Google plus management = $300 budget/month (if I continue).  I'm giving this a go.   For me, I'm treating this as a REAL BUSINESS and in business, you spend a few bucks for ads specially if you're just starting out.  My total budget for Affiliate Marketing as a whole has been $500 and I'm still very much within the budget actually.  I'll post the results in the weeks to come.  Watch for it.  
  • AWEBER- Gosh this is giving me a headache.  I don't know whether i've done the right thing.  I will have  A LOT of questions for Kyle and Carson, actually I NEED HELP on this one.  I don't know where to put the stuff aweber asked me to paste (those technical words that's suppose to make your website link to them and get your list of people clicking there).  
  •  BLOGS on my website- Still got to get serious on this one as well.  I don't quite know whether a blog has to be one blog topic per page or it's series of blogs (???) I know...I've got to do some more readings.  
  • ADDING Web Pages - oh dear, I may be able to add page dedicated for each niche.  BUT what I need to know on this is how to make my blogs land on my web page from my articles.  (techie again those tags confuse me).  I realised I didn't properly  learn about making these all work.  HELP!! :)) I'll share gold.  
It's amazing how writing articles for me produced wealth of ideas that sprung from nowhere (probably stored knowledge, research, common sense etc).   I'm having a lot of fun writing and writing and writing for a week now.  
The bottom line is:  Will all these work?    Hmmm Watch out for the next episode of my blog.  Thanks for reading.  


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jatdebeaune Premium
Hmmmm, wonder if I was clear in this explanation. I really want to help. I have one main authority website (the sun) plus the blog and Squidoo, plus articles directories. They're the little planets revolving around the sun, being directed to one another and to the sun. I use blogger.com, and write about one sub niche at a time and include links to that one page. Include the same links in article directories, or sometimes just the home page of my website. Hope PPC works out well for you.
jatdebeaune Premium
I understand how writing seems to open the doors of your brain to stored knowledge or recently acquired knowledge. I know that most marketers prefer Aweber, but I've been using Constant Contact for newsletters and like it a lot. Most of the time, I'm 2 with technology, and Constant Contact is pretty easy. Of course I haven't done anything but the newsletter so far. They're nice about helping you if you ever get stuck. At least you can get them on the phone. I use blogger.com for my broad niche, authority site and write about all the sub-niches under the main niche. Nice and compact and gives the reader nice variety. Bob and Maureen are better bets for solving linking blogs to web pages. Have a thought though. Which is your sales page? I'd link the article to the sales page that has a link to your other page. But then again, just my sense of things. Don't know if that's right. Pretty much what I do. I put the url of my website in the resources box and the blog or Squidoo.
maureenhannan Premium
I appreciate your concern about others losing money. Do let us know how your guinea pig experience works out. And hooray for you for all of this good hard work. If I can help you with the adding-web-pages part, please let me know. I'm a little unclear on where your problem lies, but I do okay with that kind of thing. ~ Maureen
klrrider Premium
I share your pain... some times things get bogged down due to it being a new animal. Social Bookmarking/RSS feeds gave me fits... couldn't quite get my head wrapped around it. Doing better now but still need improvement. Aweber hasn't been a problem so if you need help I would be glad to assist.*** "what I need to know on this is how to make my blogs land on my web page from my articles." Don't quite understand this last one? Any way give me a PM if you like.