Posts by Sherion 14
Shampoo Warning! I don't know WHY I didn't figure this out sooner! I use shampoo in the shower! When I wash my hair, the shampoo runs down my whole body, and Printed very clearly on the shampoo label is this warning, "FOR EXTRA BODY AND VOLUME." No wonder I have been gaining weight! Well! I have gotten rid of that shampoo and I am going to start showering with Dawn dish soap instead. Its label reads, "DISSOLVES FAT THAT IS OTHERWISE DIFFICULT TO REMOVE." Problem solved! Just th
November 09, 2011
Wow!    What a day!  I checked my Clickbank account and found out I made my first sale. Here is a copy of it below. This was from an article that I had done almost like 6 months ago!  I couldn't hardly believe it. That made me feel like, okay now I know how others feel when they get that first sale. Then when I checked Amazon I found out that I have sold 5 products through there. I don't know the commision on that yet because I guess they wait till they are shipped, but
When I was looking for my article in google "Christian Jewelry For Women" this is what I found on the 3rd page?  How did these two get mingled? Starting at the date to the part where it says Jewelry for men is part of my article submitted here at SA. the other is not mine but it is an article here at SA. I am having problems with my Website and now with my article that was published here and approved. I don't know what to say from here. I copied this off the internet int
I need help quick. When I went to check on my website I typed the name in quotes and not only did my street articles, article come up, but, my home page has a listing of its own in google, my blog has a listing of its own in google, even the privacy policy and product tab are all on the first page of google. I pushed some button somewhere and don't know what to do.  I don't know how to turn that part off.
Hello Buddies, Is there any easier way when you are looking for someone here than going through the Browse Spaces? Especially if you don't know there rank or any of the other info. Like if someone is listed in the forum you can click on them and it will take you to like a private message but what if I just had their name and wanted to bring it up here. With no other info. Is that possible? Thanks Sherion
Hey Buddies, My site is finally at least live now. Yay! As you know, I have been having problems with my website coming up and nothing seemed to work. Finally today when I just run through it all again for about the 20th time it finally goes through. I still don't know what went wrong though. So, now onto the rest of my work on the site. Thank you to those of you who did try to help me. I appreciate your comments. Best Wishes To You, Sherion
I am in the 30 day club and I am stuck on day 2. There are some things I have been able to do in further lessons without my site up. Somwhere from the beginning something has gone wrong. I have already put full details in 30 Day Club  Day 2. Anyways, I am worried about falling too far behind and without having my site up then I am stuck on some things. So, since I have no knowledge of WordPress and my answers are no where to be found by me. I am wondering
I typed in my article to Street Articles and I just wanted to save it until this morning since I was working on it kinda late last night. That way I could proofread with a fresh mind in the morning. So, I went to save draft. That is what I clicked on. Now this morning when I went back to it, there was nothing there. Did I not save it right?  Has any one else had this problem? I did at least have a copy saved in Word. I am not going to try to put it into Street Articles f
December 24, 2010
Dear WA Buddies.. I hope you all have a really great Christmas and hope that you get to spend time with the ones you love. Best Wishes to You. Sherion 
November 12, 2010
Hi WA Buddies! <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office">   I just wanted to give this update on the article that I said was stolen. I have been getting more and more responses. Below I have listed the e-mail that was sent to me from Ezines. It is kinda messed up though through copying it to here.  I am putting it here for future reference for any of you that might have your article stolen.    If you want to check to see if your artic