To all who are in the weight loss niche! Good News!

Last Update: July 20, 2012

Shampoo Warning!

I don't know WHY I didn't figure this out sooner!

I use shampoo in the shower!

When I wash my hair, the shampoo runs down my whole body, and

Printed very clearly on the shampoo label is this warning,


No wonder I have been gaining weight!

Well! I have gotten rid of that shampoo and I am going to start showering

with Dawn dish soap instead. Its label reads,


Problem solved!

Just thought you would like a little humor today. :)

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winddancer88 Premium
Thank you my problems are solved...FOCLOL
Sherion Premium
I am really happy for you! :)
ClaireDavids Premium
haha =)
This really is funny... you have a nice sense of humour
Sherion Premium
Thanks, and you have a really good weekend.
ClaireDavids Premium
Thanks, Sherion and you too!
Renni Premium
HAHAHAHAHA! Now THAT is FUNNY! You are soooo clever! Bet you make a great writer!
Sherion Premium
I have been known to come up with some pretty good ones. I am working on a new website now that before I even pubish it I am going to have all my pages and articles ready to submit. How have you been doing? I noticed you on chat this morning but I am busy writing articles. Have a good weekend.
Renni Premium
Right now...working on a new site as well and like you...not publishing until it's set up. Going for keywords at present and happy to say finding quite a few despite the saturated niche. Good Luck with your new site!
Shawn Martin Premium
I see an article here for sure... lol
Sherion Premium
Well, take my idea and go for was all in fun. I can't use it on my sites anyways.
jatdebeaune Premium
That was very funny. Thanks for the chuckle.
Sherion Premium
It's Friday thats all I can say. Your welcome.