Problem With Street Articles Help!

Last Update: February 14, 2011

I typed in my article to Street Articles and I just wanted to save it until this morning since I was working on it kinda late last night. That way I could proofread with a fresh mind in the morning. So, I went to save draft. That is what I clicked on. Now this morning when I went back to it, there was nothing there. Did I not save it right?  Has any one else had this problem? I did at least have a copy saved in Word. I am not going to try to put it into Street Articles for now. Not till I figure out what happened. Thanks for any input. And by the way Happy Valentines Day.

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Mightymax Premium
Unfortunately there is a problem with the bio / resource box, or at least there was on February 14. Not sure if this is fixed yet. No matter what you enter into the resource box it will give you an error stating that there is some invalid HMTL tags. This happens even if you put in just some straight text over 40 words! To make matters worse, there is no way to save the draft when there is an error, something the Street Articles people need to re-think as well. Sorry, same thing happened to me and probably many other folks. :(
Sherion Premium
Thanks Jenmuso. I did try again last night and again after I tried to save draft then it didn't work again. I guess we have to have our article completely ready to publish before it saves? I don't know.
Jenmuso Premium
I'm having similar problems - its just probably still being de-glitched. I'm doing what Labman has suggested. Thanks for creating this blog because I thought that it was me being so inexperienced with affiliate marketing. Hope it all works out for you.
Sherion Premium
Thanks Labman. I will try that too. But I also would like to use Word, so that I can continue to use this for other article directories.
Labman_1 Premium
Try writing in Rapid Writer. It goes into Street Articles quickly and saves your work often if you don't. I like the keyword tracking it does for you too. At least you don't have to worry about SA loosing your drafts.