Calling all buddies, newbies, good information on terms, definitions, etc.
Calling All Buddies, Newbies, Beginners! Where to find terms, abbreviations, glossary, acronyms! <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office">
I was just going crazy with all of these new terms to learn, so I did some research and found some free websites that you can find anything from terms, abbreviations, to a glossary, and acronyms, and even an industry specific dictionary. These sites are all free as far as I can tell. I have been using them for a couple of days now. You should be able to find any word or term or acronym with these four websites. They have been of great use to me in looking things up that I did not know. Internet Marketing is one area that I was not familiar with at all, and I mean I barely even know what a blog was. Honestly. I hope these websites will be a help to you as they have been for me. Check them out and let me know if they have been a help to you also. – this site has online marketing terms, and also has a cross-reference to related terms, and links to other external sites and articles. – this site has abbreviations, acronyms, etc. After you click on the acronym you are checking on, then you can go to the bottom of screen for the category that you need. – this site has an online advertising glossary. – this site has industry specific dictionaries.
Also within these sites mentioned above they will lead you to others. I did not check all of those out. But, I did find a lot of them to be interesting and I will go back to them another time.
I also want to mention to the newbies that also here at WA there are a few tutorials done by thesue. I just type in thesue at the top of the page where it says search forum and it will take you right to them. These tutorials also have helped me and are really good for us newbies.
I hope these help all the newbies and anyone else!