My Article Went "Live" In 2 Days and It Was Stolen

Last Update: November 04, 2010

My Article Went “Live” In 2 Days And It Was Stolen

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Hi Buddies!


First off let me say that I have so much enjoyed being here at WA. I have read so many posts and articles and have thoroughly enjoyed it all. I am learning and having a really good time. I am on the shy side though, and I have wanted to comment before on my blog, but I usually don’t.  I do like to welcome people and to make comments on other blogs. So, here goes for an update on me.


On October 27, 2010 I submitted my first article to Ezines and it was “live” on October 29, 2010. I could not believe it that was only 2 days. I was so excited that I first showed it to my son, and then I just had to send a private message to jatdebeaune here at WA for she is my buddy. Not only was it live in 2 days but also it was in Google on 1st page and ranked 1st.  It has been there for almost a week.  She was sharing in my excitement with me and even gave me some good ideas for my next article.


Now, today, November 4, 2010 I go into Google and type up my article title and find out that someone has “attached” himself to me like a “leech”. I noticed that it seems like this leech doesn’t write his own articles and only uses material from others. My domain is there. But, his “the leech” is at the end and more noticeable. My name is not mentioned in the article. I am selling an e-book and he is selling pots and pans! My article is promoting cookware? What the hey?


This was my first experimental run with article marketing, and I more or less wanted to be sure I had done it all right, so that I could really go gung ho with this. But, this does make me kinda angry.  If you would like to check this out go to Google of course and type in


Healthy Foods To Lose Weight-Anabolic Cooking


Now, also he “the leach” has added Traditional Food on the end.


If you don’t come up with it at first keeping googling it, it will come up. 

Here is what he did...

  • Healthy Foods To Lose Weight – Anabolic Cooking | Traditional Food

    Nov 3, 2010 ... Our children are not capable of preparing and cooking meals, because we as parents don't know how to cook healthy foods to lose weight and ... - Cached
  • That is how he "leeched" onto me.


    If you check out my domain which is (I know now that I should have hyphened this domain so it would be easier to read but remember I am still a newbie)  You can then read my article there and I am Mary A. Elledge.


    So, I am both happy that I at least have placed an article that was approved quickly and  was placed on 1st page in Google. But, I don’t like this leech promoting his product off my article. If I am wrong please let me know. I just don’t think this is fair.


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    Labman_1 Premium
    I have a question. How do you determine that someone has absconded with your article. The one resource that I found seems to max out about 2 days into the month unless I buy a subscription and I'm tired of keeping track of all the subscriptions.
    smadronia Premium
    The offender is violating EZine's terms of use. You might want to contact them and tell them you're flattered they're using your article, but they need to correctly attribute it, with a link back to your Ezines article, and any footer links you're included. See what they do. If they don't comply, then you might contact their host provider and file a DMCA complaint with them.
    Sherion Premium
    I have contacted ezines and left a message through e-mail. I will see what they do first, if nothing then I will contact the offender.
    jatdebeaune Premium
    Another thing you can do (as a first option) is to contact the offender and ask them to please remove your article, or put it in, in its entirety which means name and website. Up to you. I just heard back from 2 offenders with humble apologies. They're removing the pages. Egg on face?
    jatdebeaune Premium
    I think you have to make EZA aware of this. They are very rule conscious when you submit an article, so they should be just as rule conscious in protecting your intellectual property.