Question About Duplicate Content

Last Update: October 27, 2010

I have a question about duplicate content. I have submitted my article to EzineArticles, and I was wondering, can I submitt the same article to other article directories or is that considered duplicate content when I don't change anything in the article. Thanks.  

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Labman_1 Premium
There are some spinners that provide the same information but just substitute synonyms in your current article. The best spinner you already have sitting on top of your shoulders. I have seen a post (not on here) that advocates putting one article into your Word Processor and just using that as a guide to write/rewrite the content below. Voila a spun article. Same info, different wording.
jatdebeaune Premium
There seem to be many schools of thought here at WA on that question. Some suggest changing the title to another great related keyword, rewrite the first and last paragraphs. Some say first put article in EzineArticles, wait till it's approved, then put it in other directories. I find it just as easy or difficult to simply write a fresh article. Someone here at WA, whom I greatly respect said just put the article in "as is" in other directories. Here's something you might want to read: Hope this helps. Google just wants fresh informative content for its viewers, and as much as possible. Most of us marketers want backlinks and traffic. If Google doesn't like your duplication, you may not rank as highly as you desire. People have all kinds of tricks to outwit Google, but why bother? Easier to just write articles, even if it's basically the same article with a twist. I see it as a twofold challenge. You want to build your credibility while getting traffic and backlinks.