WA Article Marketing Club Day 5

Last Update: October 30, 2010

Let's just say, I'm behind!

But once the weekend is over, I'll be back on track.

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dec944 Premium
I'm going to be the outlier. Don't get behind! I know, everyone says don't worry and is trying to encourage you. I disagree. You need a kick in the pants, not a pass. There is a reason it is a 30 day journey; because to effectively implement it will take 30 days of focus. If you have that little nagging "I'm behind" guy whispering in your ear it will distract your focus. You'll be writing posts that say "I'm behind" instead of "I'm stoked". I recommend everyone try to stay on task in this journey. I feel pretty confident in my IM capabilities but joined the AMC to see if there are nuggets. THERE ARE MANY. This is a great process. If I was focused on keeping up instead of sorting out I think I might have missed the nuggets so far. And I'm sure there are more to come.

I know, I sound like a high school English teacher and you're a big boy. But I really recommend staying on task. Catch up this weekend and stay caught up. You'll be glad you did.

Our Miss Brooks
prinker Premium
Don't worry about it; you have today to play catch up; I'm in the club as well and I'm not really behind, but I'm not satisfied with everything thus far so I'm still working on things.
tmarchido Premium
Don't worry about being behind at first. Just learn (LEARN!) everything at your own pace. Then, put it all together. All of us learn and work at different levels. The important thing to remember is to take consistent action. (hmm. where have I heard that before? lol)
Defon Premium
I love it. You can catch up... no worries.