WA Article Marketing Club on hold

Last Update: November 01, 2010

Decision time.

I have taken on too much.

Something has to give and it has to be WA AMC.

I thought I could manage it, but I can't.

I have been working through PotPieGirl's P3 Marketing course since last week and that has given me a stack of work to do.

P3 is much more the kind of IM I want to do, so it has to take priority.

I am also 4 weeks into an 8 week novelists workshop and that simply cannot be deferred.

I make no excuses. (I could talk about the KW tool delivering zeroes, so screwing my schedule from Day 2. Or the server being down for a day. But I can handle minor adversity like that.)

I simply don't have enough time in my day to give all three of these projects 100% commitment.

So WA AMC is the one that will have to take a back seat.

I will continue to print out the daily email tasks. But I'm going to postpone the action until I am able to devote more time and and energy to it.

Hah! One of the points I made on my home page was that one reason people fail at IM is they try to do too much. 

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Hazie Premium
I like your focus. Just came across the article you wrote about leaving last year and Judy's response. Focus, boundaries. Very helpful, and thanks.
dec944 Premium
Good for you. I believe you have to chunk this down. I chastised you when you said you were behind - now you won't be behind ;) We have these little things whispering in our ears all the time; do this, don't do this, you're behind, you're not doing well, you're ..blah, blah. We have to quiet those voices by making decisions. You should have your mental noise level go down quite a bit now. You'll get to AMC when you have the cycles to devote and be able to produce a much better product.
sherbet penny Premium
Haha nice post and spot on. It is hard to do everything, but you are right, one step at a time. I have the same problem, you can be working on one task and next you know, an email arrives, you read, and you can suddenly be doing something else. Best to take it step by step. I'm doing this, writing my first book of poetry(fingers crossed) writing a play, building sites, doing the WA club, building a blog, all while trying to fit in my boxing, my Chef career which is now only 30 hours a week, a girlfriend and a cat. I am not a machine haha! But, It can be done, sorry, will be done. Good Luck with it.