Another Day, Another Victory!

Last Update: November 16, 2009

Of course this victory came after a few defeats, but I'm starting to forget about those defeats whenever I win!

The other day I mentioned that I'm getting solid traffic to my lens everyday and am making sales around 100 hops per sale.  Not too bad being that...IT'S FREE!  While the commission maybe low, it's still commission.  At this rate, I will be around $150 or so a month - not too shabby!  Now I need to increase traffic to get that bumped up!

The cool thing is that I found a market that NEEDS something.  All of the products out there seem to be very mediocre.  Now I need to make some money and then turn around and make my own product.  That is the cool thing here - I'm on something that is making me money while I plan out how I can come up with my own product!

Anyway, I had another sale last night - giving me a total of  5 thus far - 4 of which are from the same product.  In the life of one lens, I have had over 500 visits.  That's what started to urk me is that I had all these visitors and no way to capture them!

Well someone mentioned yesterday that would can indeed add an opt in page on lens.  It was a bit cumbersome, but I got it!  You do need an Aweber account which I already had.  Other than that, it's free.

I added that this morning and don't 'cha know....I got a sign up this evening!  Now all I need to do is start coming up with some relevant correspondence!  I was so psyched to get this installed that I didn't even think about what I'm going to communicate!  Anyway, I'll figure that out tomorrow.  That though is my victory for today. 

Thank you all for the very kind words and the advice in the last couple of days.  I hit a rut the other day, but I'm back on it again thanks to all of you!

Joke of the Day

"When in doubt, mumble."



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Alex Copeland Premium
Hey man, glad to help... reading your posts I could see you were getting a little down but this one sounds like the old you... :)
StorminNorman Premium
Well hell Sox - RFO! If ya don't know what that means PM me and I'll explain it lol. Hey dude that is simply AWESOME! Sox is gonna rock man. Yeah Sox!
Slugger_mn Premium