I Think it's About That Time!

Last Update: January 13, 2010

So I've been going back and forth about this for awhile now.  I just wasn't sure if I could do it.  But, I believe it's about that time...

What really got me going was what happened yesterday.  I posted the other day that there were two goals that I still haven't reached - 

- 2 sales in a day

- The $100 day

Well, yesterday it happened.  I had three sales and hit my $100 mark!  That's great, right?

Except I was left feeling a bit empty.  Don't get me wrong, I was stoked, but I just felt like there needed to be more. 

I have this trait about me.  I'm never satisfied.  I have this insatiable urge to do better than the previous day.  I've been like that in my personal life, my professional career and now IM.

Yes, sometimes it's a downfall, but for the most part, it keeps me going.

So that being said, it's time for me to venture out into the complete unknown...developing and launching a product!

Wow, that's awesome just to type!  I've been fortunate enough to meet someone here that resembles my exact persona and tenacity.  We've decided to team up and get our own product out there!

Now at this point, I have no idea when it will be out there, but we've already started working on it.

It's pretty exciting to know that in the short amount of time that I've been here, I've learned enough to at least know how to fuddle through this process.  It's actually pretty amazing!

Thank to all of you here at WA for helping me along and your support.  I hope that I am passing this same attitude that you gave me to those of you that need it!

So anyhow, thanks again and as usually, I'll keep in touch!

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idm Premium
I'm looking forward to seeing this product. Congrats on your $100 day, that would just make me want more too.
Alex Copeland Premium
Way to go man... Got to admit I'm still a bit of a 'loner' as far as my IM plans... not in a bad way, just in the fact that all my techniques involve me, and me only! Maybe I'm just greedy ;) Reading this though maybe I should think about joining forces with someone as you sound like it's got you all fired up again! Keep in touch and let us know how it goes.. and when you want us to start promoting it :) And congrats on the 3 sale/$100 day - and remember next time you think that you haven't done good enough... there are SO many people on here that wish that was them... All the best as always bro.
Slugger_mn Premium

I feel as though I know this person.. haha
olsonrc50 Premium
keep us posted and congrats! Obviously you did your homework!
martynh Premium
good luck with the product. Happy to give you a second opinion whenever you wish