Now What to do?

Last Update: November 04, 2009

I am patiently waiting for Ezine to go through the rest of my pending articles so I can hopefully get bumped to Platinum status.  While I wait, I decided to do a few things - including some keyword research a write some more articles.

During this time though, I thought about what makes me want to promote a particular product and why people would buy it.  Of course, this seems like the natural progression of market research.  Then I thought, it would be interesting if there was some tutorial on what makes humans tick.  What do we actually NEED versus what we WANT.

Being a marketing major and just starting out with IM, I thought it would be useful to have something in the training center that would address this.  It wouldn't go into tips and tricks of internet marketing or how to write the best article.  It would be solely dedicated to the human brain.

So I did what anyone else would do and created a tutorial on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.   Some of you may have heard of it while others have not.  It's a very interesting concept and really addresses all of our needs as humans.  With this understanding, it can really help up drive home our marketing efforts.

If you are interested in reading it, you can check it out here.

 Disregard some of the formatting issues.  The creator isn't working too well and I will fix them when it is working better.

I hope you enjoy it!

"The early bird might get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese!"


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Internetgranny Premium
I love the joke too! (I think you'll get a great following for your blog just because of the jokes :-))

Have read your tutorial. Had heard of the hierarchy of needs before without knowing that it was Maslow's.
TheAVlady Premium
Haven't read the post yet. Jumped to your joke and started LOL! Good one!!!
idm Premium
I've been lectured numerous times on the hierarchy of needs by my friend, a hypnotherapist. Great resource, I just need to figure out how to easily align it with my campaigns and I'll be off.