Success DOESN'T Happen By Accident!

Last Update: January 11, 2010

Hey All,

I wanted to post this on my blog as well as the success forum.  I'm not sure how many of you get a chance to visit the forums - CB.jpg" width="450" height="281" />
When you see folks posting in the success forum, it is not by accident.  Sales are not made by accident - period.

I am not posting this as a bragging page, rather as an inspiration to those who may be struggling.  If you are like me, you enjoy reading success stories but a part of you gets PISSED OFF because it isn't you!  Am I right?

Well what I do is use that as my motivation to get my butt back to work!  Yes, we can all sit back and sulk in our failures (Lord knows, I have had PLENTY of them!), or you flip that as a motivator to do better. 

I've been with WA since October of 2009.  I'm pretty good about keeping my blog updated, so for those of you that have read it, know that I struggle...I struggle A LOT!  It sucks when you work and work and work, yet NOTHING!  You know what though, every time I saw goose eggs on my CB account, it was time to get back to work - end of story.  I can sit there wondering what the HECK I am doing wrong which is ok I guess, but it takes time away from actually doing ! 

When I sit back (which I haven't really done until this morning) and think of EVERYTHING that I have accomplished since being with WA, I have absolutely NOTHING to be ashamed of.  I have build websites, wrote articles, created lenses, have a 70 person list, and made a TON of friends here.  Sure the money's been slow, but I know HOW TO DO THIS NOW!

When I came here, the only thing that I really knew about IM was how to spend a BUTT LOAD of money with PPC with poor results.  So in essence, I knew nothing of IM.  What a difference three months makes.

While I am happy thus far, there are so many things that I haven't accomplished yet -

- $100 day
- Two sales in one day

These are two relatively small goals, but goals nonetheless.  I could have quit after the six weeks I went without a sale (and that was AFTER I made seven sales), but why would I do that?  Why invest so much of my time and effort just to quit?  I will have two sales in a day here soon.  That will lead to my $100 day.  Then it's on to the next milestone.

I guess what I'm getting at is that while I have made some sales, I want more.  I am excited that things are coming together, but I am never satisfied.  I want...I mean I NEED consistent sales and that is what I'll get.

Folks, success doesn't happen by accident.  I didn't wake up one day and "accidentally" have sales.  This takes work and a HECK of a lot of perseverance. 

There are not too many people (either in the traditional business world or Internet Marketing) that just woke up one day and was successful.  Guess what, I'm no different.

- One day at a time
- One article at a time
- One lens at time
- One dollar at a time

Use this screen shot as YOUR motivator. 

Here's a fun game (well maybe) -

If you feel inclined to leave a response to this post, I want you to do something first.  DO SOMETHING before you post your response.  Write an article, update a blog, find a keyword.  Do something BEFORE you post anything here.

While I would certainly appreciate a post, I would much rather that you start succeeding as well.  So post whatever you'd like, but tell me what you did BEFORE you posted here...

- Wrote an article
- Found a keyword
- Read a tutorial
- Created a Squidoo Lens

Of course I will never know whether you actually do anything or not, but you will know.  Don't cheat yourself!!

Let's make this not just my success, but ALL OF OUR SUCCESSES! 

Anyone that knows me here, knows that I work my tail off.  Take this and run with it.

No one else is going to hand you your success.

Make it happen.

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sandy Premium
This is one of the best blogs I have ever read here in WA. I will keep a track of this. I have also added you in my buddy list.
eageraffiliate Premium
Great Blog. Like you, I came to WA in October '09 and have been busy every day since joining. Some things have been a lot harder than others, but in general I have learned a great deal. For the record I have updated my Squidoo lenses and made adjustments to my websites today. I am off to get a few ads and an article or two out before dinner. Keep up the great work and let's make 2010 THE year.
martynh Premium
good to see you making sales. I figure I'm following your path and am about 1 month behind so if I can achieve in Feb what you have done now I'll be happy.
At 4 articles a day you're creating more than me - I'm managing 1 or 2 though they're getting faster to do
The most important part for me is doing those articles each day before getting drawn off into researching or learning more.
As a factory manager once said to me - you gotta keep the drumbeat going or it's game over.
Alex Copeland Premium
Nice post and hope some people take you up on the DO SOMETHING part of it :) I actually came on here before I'm off to bed to see what was new... and what have I been doing all day? Building yet another site (you can never have too many!) and writing a load of posts that I had scheduled to start posting tomorrow morning.. but just because you asked so nicely, I posted the first one just before writing this.. have a great day man and keep up the good work, it all gets easier the more you take action :)
idm Premium
I'm rooting for you Mike. Well, I decided to be honest and do "something" before leaving a comment. I'm at work so my hands are a little tied but I did make a little blog post at

Keep at it, I see good things coming your way if you stick with it like I know you will!