What a Nice Little Break...

Last Update: November 28, 2009


I was anticipating spending this weekend doing nothing, but that didn't exactly happen.  See something strange happened.  My last sale was 11/18.  Then I realized that I will never be able to take a break!

So during my travels over the holiday, I spent the driving time (my wife drove) writing articles.  I wrote eight articles on Weds, took Thurs. off and then a couple of other articles on Friday.

Today, I wrote another three articles and updated three blog posts.  I am in the process of writing another 5 blogs which I should have done today.  What really sparked all this was that I lost my 2nd position on Google for my Ezine articles.  That was the articles that was getting me all of my traffic.  So I started backlinking the heck out of it.  I think today I got another 20 backlinks between those articles.  Now I guess we wait and see!

I suppose this is all part of the game.  Learning some of the stuff that you don't read about - like LOSING your position for Ezine and Google!  What's even worse is the person that took my spot doesn't even have a live link.  I don't know if the article was edited and is waiting to be approved, but I sure would like to read WHY I lost my spot.

I feel like I'm starting from the beginning again.  Not a sale in 10 days kind of stings.  Especially when I've been averaging about a sale one in every two or three days.  Hopefully some of these backlinks will help.

I also realized that I can't rely on one source for my income.  I've started other campaigns, but sort of half-as$ed them.  This won't happen again.  I can assume my dry spell is from the holidays and losing my spot, but I can't use that as my excuse.

It is time to crank out more content and make some more money!

I hope everyone had a nice holiday!


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Ruggero Premium
It's unfortunate that articles often lose their top positions quite quickly unless you do some off-page SEO on them ASAP. It seems that you've already found out that half-assed campaigns just don't produce - if you're not going 2 give a campaign its due diligence, that's what unfortunately happens. You're doing fine mate - we all go thru it! Keep on and it's all good ;)
idm Premium
Ouch. The good news is there's no way you can start over. You may be in a low valley but it's amazing how quick breakthroughs can come. I had a good holiday, but now it's time to get back to work. Btw how are you attaining backlinks for your articles?
Barnabus Premium
I hope you and your family had a nice holiday too. Now down to business. LOL
Yeah, you sound pretty busy right now, but I guess that's what it takes to stay on top. Just as long as you don't forget the work it takes to be numero uno, not only to your business, but to your family life as well. After all that's probably one of the reasons you are here. ..to make a better life for the family. I am. Good luck and kick-it-in-da-kiester.