What an Unproductive Weekend

Last Update: November 15, 2009

This was a tough weekend for me and my IM aspirations.  I'm in the middle of midterms for school so that doesn't help.  The last couple of days though, I've been having some problems staying focused on one thing.  I've completed another campaign from PotPieGirl's OWM this morning and then I went on to start researching another niche.

I haven't been able to stick with one niche.  I have made three sales from one product, so I'm thinking about ditching Squidoo for a couple of days and try and design my own site with an opt-in page.  I know this phrase is getting me traffic and I feel like I'm wasting it if I can't get their e-mails.

But then I get back to thinking that I can't be successful without understanding everything.  I'm torn whether or not I should deviate from what I'm working on now to start something completely new.  Not only that, but now I want to start looking at new products, etc.  There's just too much out there!  I think maybe I'll take the day to gather my thoughts and start fresh tomorrow.

I do want to get my own website up and I understand that it isn't that hard.  We'll see how well that goes, but I don't understand how it would work.  I have tons of backlinks going to my Squid. page, and if I want my own website, do I need to go back and redirect all of those links?  I dunno.  I'll poke around in the forum for a little while tomorrow and see what other people's opinions are.

Of course, I do welcome whatever comments you may have for too.

Take Care All!


Joke of the Day -

I used to be indecisive. Now I'm not sure.



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Alex Copeland Premium
I don't know if you knew this but you can actually add an opt in box to your squidoo pages... maybe this would be a good middle ground? Give it a Google and I'm sure there are actual Squidoo lenses on how to do it... if you can't find anything let me know and I'll dig out the instructions somewhere on this hard drive as it's been a while since I added one myself.

By doing that maybe that will put your mind at rest about missing out on the emails and you can get focused again?

And your own bit of virtual real estate is always the way forward but it also brings a lot more learning to the table, something from reading your posts etc I know you aren't scared of but just be aware of the extra time it will take away from the real business of making money - it gets quicker and easier like everything though!

All the best with whatever you choose.
StorminNorman Premium
You are younger than me so you probably have way more skill with this techie crap in IM - I know my kid is a whiz at tech crap cuz she worked on the puters in school and grew up with them - but - it took me one heck of a long time to learn how to use and autoresponder (for list building), build webforms, build lead capture pages and write copy for lead capture pages that worked. Then there's the follow-up email copy. It all SOUNDS EZ but it ain't. So ...

If you would have to learn all that stuff just to start using those techniques it might be wiser to do what Ruggero says and look hard at your campaign that IS bringing in sales, find out where those sales are coming from and keep doing it until you have some good bank every week. THEN ... you could begin to learn some advanced stuff. But those guru's sellin' there ebooks that tell ya the monies in the list and it's EZ have obviously forgotten how they got to where they are ... cuz I ain't seen nuthin' that's what I'd call EZ yet in IM. But ... ya sound down and ya need to get your head right and focus on what's makin ya money right now and ... don't ya EVER quit cause winners never quit and quitters never win and that's a damn fact.
Ruggero Premium
I think you shouldf stick to your "seller." You've got a couple of sales out of it, so you know it's a winner. Give it the attention it now deserves. An opt-in list may be a good idea, it might be a little early yet. Your own landing page at this point IS A MUST though.

Good luck!