Posts by Stilltrying 3
Bugger, I am at it again, just can't seem to stay on the right track. That decide what to do and then just do it. Seems like I always either get sidetracked or worse still, I lose faith in what I am doing. I know I shouldn't after all I have been getting traffic and even sales (though not many) but still something tells me that I am not going get anywhere. My biggest problem right now is really myself. I have the resources and great help here at WA but it seems like I am unable to make good use
So lately I have done a lot of research and I have tried to come up with new ideas for niches as my bigger butt blogg has not been very successful and I honestly started to get more than fed up with it. Did hardly want to touch it anymore. Did a lot of looking around and even thought about starting an adult website. However things are changing. I made four sales from uppsells yesterday. So one of the products I have been promoting are placing cookies on prospects computer so if they come back to
Hi everyone, finally I managed to get this first blog post written. I intended to write it just after new years eve but as usual things got delayed for a number of reasons.  I have decided that 2012 will be the year when I will finally succeed but I seem to be a long way from there. Seems like my biggest problem right now is not technical issues like how to do this or how to do that but more personal. I have problems keeping on track and to do the tasks I set out to do. Deep inside I have