Great Feedback and moving forward!

Last Update: January 25, 2012

So lately I have done a lot of research and I have tried to come up with new ideas for niches as my bigger butt blogg has not been very successful and I honestly started to get more than fed up with it. Did hardly want to touch it anymore. Did a lot of looking around and even thought about starting an adult website. However things are changing. I made four sales from uppsells yesterday. So one of the products I have been promoting are placing cookies on prospects computer so if they come back to buy somehing I will get the credit for it. Now I wrote a post about it this morning in forum and got some great responses and advice. Now I feel like I am on the right track and that I can really do this. It is time to start working again.

Thank you soo much everyone, your advice and encouragement has been great. This is the best part of WA the helpfulness and friendliness of people. The forum is also the most important part of WA. Tutorials are very useful for learning the basics, but you can learn that from a book too. However having people looking at what you are doing and coming with their advice and input it is invaluable. Just great!

Thank you!

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