Finally my first blog post!!!

Last Update: January 13, 2012

Hi everyone,

finally I managed to get this first blog post written. I intended to write it just after new years eve but as usual things got delayed for a number of reasons. 

I have decided that 2012 will be the year when I will finally succeed but I seem to be a long way from there. Seems like my biggest problem right now is not technical issues like how to do this or how to do that but more personal. I have problems keeping on track and to do the tasks I set out to do. Deep inside I have doubts that I will succeed one day and this is keeping me back. I seem to spend more time on planning and finding new ideas then to actually work on what I got. This is making it hard to concentrate. Needless to say my head is a mess.

Despite all this 2011 did offer some highlights. I got a blog going and I have soon reached 50.000 visitors. It is not very well made blog but still I managed to drive traffic to it. What is also good is that I finally made some money on the net and I have soo far received two checks from Clickbank. Little sums, but still. I just have to improve my conversion rate which is about 1/2500, bugger. by the way my blog is called any ideas on how to improve it are welcome.

Now, I am trying to figure out if I can go further with this and how. I also started to set up a website about self defense and martial arts following the instructions of the 30 day club, but in my confused state of mind the development of the site staggered as I just don't know how this can ever be profitable it just seems so far away.

The third project I have is buying a website that is already getting traffic and making profit. Is this a good idea?? This way I could concentrate on developing it further instead of building something from scratch, any feedback will be welcome.

Finally Any words of encourgement or ideas will be very welcome and if there is anything I can do to help anyone I will be very happy to do so.

Wishing everyone the best of luck for 2012







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