Ezine vs Article Base Test Update

Last Update: April 27, 2010

It has been a few weeks now...

I still have to go in and get some exact figures....and I will put together a fact based thing to post,

THE EXPERIMENT-- see the last post---

Two products from same niche    

All the links from Ezine goes to one;  all the links from Article Base go to the other.

So far one sale each ---

  1. Article Base published faster
  2. Ezine initially ranked higher
  3. Ezine traffic initially was higher-- although I think it slowed down--when it is off the recently published list.   Those are the numbers I need to compare
  4. I broke down and made a squid and blog landing page for each item on one specific aspect/kw of the niche and focused on the free give away of the vendor  added some Amazon links too.
  5. Made backlinks to the blog ala Justin Brooke advice from  WA forum


to make this go faster I tried  this: 

  • I wrote each paragraph three times-- three original contents
  • I put that in my spinner program,   it gave me original versions 
  • no spinning words, just the paragraphs
  • I double checked to make sure the versions had different paragraphs
  • submitted one to ezine the another version to to AB
  • There are still multiple original options for the future
  • I also tried, to save time, to spin the longer paragraphs and wrote the shorter ones three times, 
  • I honestly am not sure if it is faster to go through and put the spin codes in or just write it three different ways.  it depends on how fresh your brain is
  • I tried two or three submissions using the system in another tutorial  i saw on the home page, on recycling a single article  submitted one to Ezine, when published , changed the title and first paragraph or two submitted that version to AB.  And vice versa.


While writing the articles,  a specific part of the niche came up and I stopped and went in and  looked for more KW  with just that one thing in mind and twice was able to find good ones,  I used Article Power ranking in WA KW tool and the exact quotes

I put the exact url of the products in Google tools and found more kw phrases.  the advice is to go from bottom to top



I need to write an article for all the KW I found --some can be Squids instead, I think.


  1. kW   long tail phrases----some are general  some are more specific.  I tend to use the general ones in a lot of articles and then add one specific on too.  so two KW long tails each article  3-4 times
    1. example: (making this up)  
      1. problems finding turquoise carrots would be the general one    that I would use in a bunch of articles
      2. the specific one would be   preparing turquoise carrots with cheese  or growing turquoise carrots  from seeds
    2. sometimes the general phrase is not in the title, but I work the general on in a few times here and there in other articles.
  2. I do not know if using the same general one over and over helps or harms,   
    1. Google might just pick one of them???
    2. I have read conflicting opinions


The stats you get from Ezine are so much more complete and i cannot do a similar comparison with AB  is there something to click on in AB to get me more information?

I was away for 10 days--- so I have a lot of catching up to do--and get back in the groove here---







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Skybound Premium
Useful exercise. I can take sth from this, so thanks. As for your Q at the end, I'd say you're doing it right, but try to mix that primary KW up a bit too. That said, if I'm writing about buying a Maserati, I might have that core KW in every one of my six articles, but then my long tail might be how relaible are second hand Maseratis. No reason why not to have my core KW in that article too. But if (as in your carrots eg) your core kw is already failry long tail, i don't think it works so naturally. Another thought: Have you read about LSI? If not, look into it. Basically, it's about Google moving - and rightly IMO - towards assessing the content of the article by related phrases rather than pure repetition and spinning of core KWs.
mllnmhawk Premium
Some good info here, thanks
kadcpp Premium
In my first month I have noticed that Ezine rates higher however I did not need the page rank for my campaign. I got more views from articles base and even more from Goarticles driving my traffic higher. Depending on your needs this could be beneficial.