Creating My Life One Day at a Time

Last Update: April 18, 2010

It seems over the past year or two I've let my life get kind of stale.  I've focused so much on making money, I forgot to enjoy life as well.  Maybe I didn't forget, I just seemed to have put it on the back burner to come back to it once I have the money thing down.

 I've been reexamining that thought.  It seems like I'm not as happy as I used to be.  I'm going to start creating the life I want now.  Instead, of working myself to death, I'm going to start enjoying life.  I will start to workout, date, and have fun again.  I will do one thing towards those areas each day.  I'm going to keep it small that way I don't get overwhelmed.

 Dating I can send out a few emails, start saying hi to women I run across at the bookstore and coffee shops.  Having fun, I will call up a friend and just hang out, and allow myself to be in the moment without thinking about internet marketing or real estate.  Working out, I'll start eating healthier each day and ease into a workout routine.

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Louise M. Premium
Good post and good thoughts. You're right, finding a balance in life is very important. I'm glad for you that you're taking that turn in your life. The happier your life will be, the more pleasant it'll be to work too. It's a balance. :)