Day 4: Blog facelift

Last Update: June 08, 2012
I ended up buying the avenger skin instead of the blogskin. After that I installed it. I also created a new list in aweber for the site and added the list name in the appropriate section of the skin. I still need to make a few tweaks before I have the design the way I want it. I also wrote some content for the site during a break at work.

I'm keeping steady with the running. I've ran everyday this week so far. I think I'll take the day off on Saturday to give my knees a rest. I've also been drinking a lot more water. Each day I've drank at least 60 ounces of water. Today, I made up to 1 gallon. I also didn't have any soda, so that was a small win.

I saw a dental hygienist today, I got the usual lecture about how I should be flossing. This time I think I'm going to follow through with flossing. I'm already running, and drinking water, might as well add flossing to the list of healthy habits I'm establishing.

I apologize if you're getting tired of my posts. It's a way of me keeping focused and engaged.

Well, have a great day/night what ever it is where you live.

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Trek-shooter Premium
No way dude keep going if doing this helps to to keep focused. I am thinking about doing that soon aswell its a great idea to keep you both focused and motivated. Be nice to look back on it when you hit success. And with the running that's good man but also make sure you get in your rest days as these are important otherwise you will be killing the muscles!

ThomasPaul Premium
Yeah, very true about the rest. I decided to take today(Friday) and Saturday off.
veronica.l Premium
ha ha yes why not add flossing to the healthy list. You are doing great both with your site and health (including flossing) keep it up!
ThomasPaul Premium
It's interesting flossing and brushing my teeth the way the hygienist showed me how to do it. I feel like a kid again, just learning how to brush my teeth.