Day 6 and Day 7

Last Update: June 11, 2012
Day 6: another unproductive day. I was in a funk.

Day 7: wrote some content for a free bonus to giveaway.
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veronica.l Premium
Have not worked in 3 days so don`t feel bad, keep going!! :)
ThomasPaul Premium
Thanks Vicky. That actually made me feel quite a bit better for some reason. Why do you go by Vicky? I notice on your profile you signed off with Vicky, but your screen name is Veronica. Is Vicky just a nickname?
veronica.l Premium
Vicky is just a nickname, Veronica or Vicky either one works :) I am glad I made you feel better sometimes we just put to much pressure on our selves, we do need a day off here and there.
mcman187 Premium
are you still flossing and drinking plenty of water?
ThomasPaul Premium
I'm still going strong with the flossing and drinking water. I think they say it takes 21 days for a habit to become "soft-wired" so I have about 16 more days to go. Hopefully, by then it's just autopilot.

I'm kind of hoping to do the same thing for internet marketing. Just get in the habit of working on it a little each day. Then once I have the habit going, it'll just become a part of my routine.

At least that's the plan. Thanks for checking up on me. :)