Last Update: June 06, 2010

That's right.  I did it.  I said screw this hair thing, I'm just going to BIC it.  On friday night I bought a set of clippers and got it as short as I could and then I just shaved the rest off with a razor blade.  I'm feeling really good about it.  I really like it and I'm going to keep it like this indefinitely.

 Other news:

 I am still continuing with my workout plan.  I'm really excited about this.  It's the longest I've been on it and this is the time I'm going to make it work.  I've missed some workouts, but I just continued onto the next workout day and did that workout instead of trying to makeup the missed workout.  It seems to be working out much better for me.

 I went out to the bar/club on Friday with a good friend that I've known for about 4 years now.  I had a great time with home.  Saturday I went bowling with some other friends.  Today, I find it a lot easier to focus on getting all the house chores done.  I also decided to take my laptop with me to whatever room I am in and listen to some IM training videos I have while doing the chores.  I was surprised at how much training I got through.  I am definitely going to continue doing this.

 Until next time,


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ThomasPaul Premium
lol, thanks. I'm loving it already! To hair productlessness!!!!
senorsam21 Premium
Welcome to to the magical land of hair productlessness. :)