Started my workout program for the THIRD time!!! ;)

Last Update: April 30, 2010

I started working out again at the beginning of this week.  This is the third time I've started this workout program.  The other times I started the workout program I became overwhelmed at all the information and new things I had to do.  I eventually became overwhelmed and stopped.

I feel pretty good about working out this time around.  I think this is the time that I will really nail it and get some great results in 6 months to a year.  Even though I stopped the workout program all the other times after just a few weeks of doing it, I still learned valuable information.  I am finding it a lot easier to get started this time.  A lot of things that I was having a hard time with before such as eating properly, actually going to the gym and working not as big an obstacle this time around. 

I think a lot of this has to do with a shift in my thinking.  I find myself thinking about the "gain" more than the "pain" this time around.  I'm my thoughts are on what it feels like to have 20 more pounds of muscle and having six pack abs versus focusing on the obstacles like "I don't know how to cook" or "I just missed a workout" or "I don't have enough time".

 I was also feeling like taking time to workout was taking time away from me that I could be focused doing other things like internet marketing or dating.  Then I realized since I want a better physique that I am not wasting time working out.  I am choosing to use that time to work towards a goal that I want.  Working out is not taking away from my life it is just enhancing it.  It is a habit I am developing today, so I can reap the benefits tomorrow or 6 months from now.

 As I type this, I realize that a lot of the same thoughts can be applied to my pursuits in internet marketing and real estate investing.  How many times am I going to pick myself up and dust myself off when I fail or things don't work out like I planned?   As many times as it takes for me to get to where I want to go....

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