Well, today was interesting...

Last Update: May 30, 2012

I was actually pretty productive today, productive being a relative term to myself lol...

Background Story Yesterday(Tuesday morning)

For whatever reason I only got about an hour or two of sleep last night. Ok it wasn't really for whatever reason. I had taken 10 days off from my day job and had gotten used to staying up late at night and sleeping in late.

Although I had the 10 days off I didn't really work too much on internet marketing. Yesterday, I was wanting to put up a new landing page on my site. Distraction, led to distraction and pretty soon it was pretty late at night with nothing to show for my day.

You ever start thinking about how long it's going to take you to do something? There I was at midnight thinking well if I want to get this landing page up, I'm going to have to write the content. Then I'm going to have to make php redirects for the outgoing links, then I'm going to have to load them up onto the server, then I'm going to have to...blah, blah, blah...

By the time I thought it all through, I decided I was way too tired do it that night(wee hours of tuesday morning and I would do after work(Tuesday afternoon).

I jumped in the sack and I started getting tired and was about ready to fall asleep. Then I got this pesky thought that popped into my head saying:

"You know you're probably just going to find something else to do after work and you're going to put it off to another day if you don't do it right now."

After a little debate in my head, yes I tend to talk to myself quite a lot, well not really talk more like think, I hopped out of bed and worked on the landing page.

I got everything setup and even started sending paid traffic to it Yay!

Being Productive Today(Tuesday afternoon after work)

By now you're probably wondering what that has to do with me being productive today, today being Tuesday afternoon which is about to become yesterday at the time of me typing this. Lol, oh man I'm starting to ramble.

Anyways. My normal routine for getting such a small amount of sleep the night prior would be to just hit the sack when I got home from work. However, I was feeling pretty good despite feeling a little bit of the afternoon drop in energy, which has been an excuse for numerous after work naps over the years for me. I've long thought that my body clock might be better suited for spain where a siesta is part of the culture.

However,I held strong and instead opted to do laundry. While waiting for the washer to be done, I went ahead and did the dishes too! Now I know a lot of you are probably chuckling at this, but these are some pretty major accomplishments for this bachelor! :P

Then I loaded the washed clothes into the dryer and went about writing the content for a squeeze page. Not your typical squeeze page though. I've been going through an email marketing course over the past couple of weeks and I'm trying something new.

Different Way of Doing a Squeeze

Instead of having them opt in to get my bonus report, I'm giving them the report without having them opt in. On top of that I'm giving them lots of other tips over the course of several pages which will eventually lead them to my opt-in form. Then they can decide whether they want to opt in or not

It's definitely a different shift in thinking from the give me your email address before I give you my report type of thing. I figured I would try it out and see what would happen. The other squeeze page I built converted at 5%, not that I really split tested it that much. I only drove traffic to it for a short time on top of that.

I figure I can't do much worse than a 5% opt in rate, right? Plus, I get to try something new that flies in the face of "conventional IM wisdom" if there is such a thing. All I see is a whole lot of upside and not much downside... :)

Task Accomplishment For Today

I finished the content for the new "squeeze page" I'm trying out. I think I'll even type it up on my site after I finish posting this. I'll save finding the fancy graphics for it on istockphoto for tomorrow.


Well if you got to the end of this post congratulations! You got to see how my brain thinketh when I probably shouldeth have goneth to bedeth a long timeth agoeth... :P
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Deezdz Premium
You're a bachelor on the go!!! Give yourself credit for motivating yourself and taking action because I know from experience, sometimes it's the hardest thing to do! I'd be interested to hear how your new squeeze page works ..giving away your report before they opt in.