On My Way with Squidoo (I guess)

Last Update: April 15, 2012

Today I added a few articles (or modules) to my Squidoo lens. I was about to write a long piece, but when I went back to see how other people do it, I noticed that the modules are just short bursts of information. I almost felt like I was doing something wrong by writing such a short piece!

My understanding of Squidoo is still not whole yet, and I basically see it as a link back to my website, although I have read that some people actually make money from it.

Its been a few weeks since I joined WA, and it seems as though the job of an internet marketer is to write content and make myself known in the niche community of my choice. All the other tasks (keyword research,social bookmarking, niche research,) are just part of that process.

I'm sure I will "discover" something else soon enough. Right now, I just need to stay current on the lens and writing other articles for marketing (and find out how to get people to click on the links within my article)

I have learned a lot in the past few weeks and look forward to learning more. I cant wait to make a few bucks cause lord knows I need it!!! I guess it will come with time.


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CathyLou Premium
Squidoo is a lot of fun and is quite flexible with what you can do - beyond just text. Keep at it and I'm sure you will learn all the ins and outs!