Tinkering With Video

Last Update: May 31, 2012
I've been tinkering around with video for my website today. This is in its early stages, but I wanted to get a few opinions on it before I go further. I don't plan on posting any media until the site is full of content, but I will have that done soon enough. Check it out and let me know what you think.

Shout to Jay for the cool new WA graphic that I was able to include in this!


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Labman_1 Premium
Very nice Tonya. One small point. When the slideshow finishes. Make sure your URL is displayed not just the question. People have short attention spans and even though they saw the URL 5 seconds earlier they may still need to be reminded when it stops. Put the URL in your description too for the link juice.
TonyaWells Premium
Thank You Labman, I definitely didn't think about that :)
TonyaWells Premium
Thanks Welshy :)
CSmith1 Premium
You should also do a tutorial as I'm sure it will help, plus with the direction WA is going it's a win win.
NatureLynn Premium
Yes, I agree. It's cool if multiple people contribute because each tutorial will likely offer value because everyone has their own tips, resources, opinions, etc.
NatureLynn Premium
OMGoodness! That is great. Looks so professional!

Now THIS would be a great tutorial to add to this site because I have NO CLUE how to make a video like that or any videos for that matter. I don't like to be on camera or speak on camera and so this type of slide show written message video is exactly what I would like to learn how to do. I bet there are other people who would love a tutorial for this as well.
TonyaWells Premium
Thanks! It was super easy. I use a website called Animoto and the software really does all the work. I just added pics and selected the music , slideshow style and created the little messages that you see throughout the video. Perhaps I could do a tutorial on this :)
CSmith1 Premium
Great video Tonya, I'm a big fan of Animoto too :)
NatureLynn I've created a tutorial on how to create videos just like Tonya's.
NatureLynn Premium
That sounds pretty user friendly. However, I would also like to know how you made the pics and how you got the text on there. Yeah, a tutorial would be great and with the new Ambassador program starting.....it would be a win-win for you and those of us who need help. I have a very specific niche blog (It's not a make money niche) that I would love to do video for someday just to add something interesting to it.
NatureLynn Premium
@welshy - oops I just saw your comment to me. I will check out your tutorial. Thanks!