Life Is About People, Not Profits

Last Update: July 28, 2012
I wanted to share a little story with you, if you read my last blog post, then you know I recently started going to the gym, and the positive effect is already starting to have.

What you may or may not know is that I live in the Philippines, and their are so many poor people here, and street kids, they are dirty, they are under nourished, and they don't go to school.

My heart breaks every time I see these kids, I just want to adopt them all, and get them all off the street, and in school, but obviously I can't do that, at least not till i am rich and famous lol.

Anyway on the way home from the gym today, I saw 4 street kids, walking, with bags, that they collect trash from the road sides, and garbage cans in, they look for plastic, and bottles, and anything that can be recycled, and they tote it to what they call "Junk Shops" which are just recycling centers, they get paid a little money for this, and that's how they eat.

Well I told my driver to stop, and my wife and I got out and called them over, they were a bit intimidated because I'm a big guy, and a foreigner to boot, but my wife is from here, so the relaxed a bit when they saw her.

We gave them a little money, and their faces just lit up so bright, I can't describe how good it feels to see these kids with smiles on their faces, nor can I describe how awful it feels, watching them walk away, smiling and waving at you, knowing that the little bit of money you gave them, will not last long, and then it will be back to the usual routine of collecting trash, and wondering the dangerous street.

I made my mind up that life is about people, not about profits!

I have always wanted to do something to help people, especially children with no homes, but now I am more determined that ever to start to reach out to these kids, I want to do everything I can to help get at least some of them off the street and into a classroom.

You see it's not like in the states or the UK or other more developed countries, where kids who can't afford school, get to go anyway, in fact they are required to go. And as far as I'm concerned I do not mind my tax dollars being spent to educate children.

What I do mind, is that the kids here that can't afford it, just don't get to go to school, it drives me crazy thinking about that!

I hope that people here will start to realize the importance of making sure that all children get an education, regardless of what country they are in.
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sparkle1973 Premium
Sadly we live in a world where some here too much, others not enough~ those who have should count their blessing, and be thankful they don't have to go through life like this! Would be a better place for all if we had more people like you and your wife who cares, and has a heart willing to share, special people who want to help others in need. God Bless!
Amy Farr Premium
Wow, it's amazing what we take for granted here in the states, Canada, and the UK. How wonderful that you are determined to make a difference. Don't stop! It is that mind set that will propel your success! Compassion and intelligence to affect a change for the betterment of society.
Hi, I'm hoping to learn a lot from all the experts on here :)
Ty Johnson Premium
I don't know if I would call myself an expert, but I am happy to teach you anything I know =)
sundcarrie Premium
No life is not about profits but they sure could help you with your cause. It is sad that people here in the US don't appreciate the school systems. I usually don't mind my tax dollars going to pay for education what I do mind is the money being wasted on non educational items such as a nice new principals office in a building that was built 2 years ago. That being said I am sure where you are there is not a lot of wasted dollars and I am glad you are determined to make a difference.
Ty Johnson Premium
I agree with you on not wasting money, it really sucks when you see the govt wasting peoples money on stupid things, it should be up to the people to vote and decide how the money gets spent, not the govt just spending it on whatever they choose.

I'm not saying profit does not have it's place, believe me i like money as much as anyone, what I am saying is that when we put our own personal gain above all else in life, we are making a mistake.

Sometimes we have to stop and look around, and gauge what is really important in life, I like anyone else want to provide well for my family, and I do, but I also want to leave my family something they can be proud of.

Not because there is a lot of money in it, and not because it makes us sleep better at night because we did something, but because we care about people, and we want them to sleep better at night, I want to do something in my life that is 100% selfless.

I do not want my family to remember me for the businesses I have started, or for the money I made, I want them to remember me for the people I helped.

maybe I am nuts idk, but that's what is important to me, money is just a means to and end to me.
ThomasPaul Premium
I went to the Philippines once. It was a real eye opener. It was crazy seeing that under each highway underpass there was corrugated steel that people have set up to make a make-shift house.
Ty Johnson Premium
Yeah, unfortunately it is just a way of life here for so many people, it really makes me sad when I see it, I have never had anything nag at my soul the way this does.