Chemo Treatment 2 of 6 DONE!

Last Update: August 04, 2012
Last week in the comments we were talking a bit about kidney stones and of course the cancer. While paying the bill today I told the Doctor that I was a very lucky man to have had kidney stones!.

Yeah he looked at me the same way your probably looking at me right now but if it were not for the kidney stone they never would have found the tumor =)

Anyway I am glad number 2 is over with. It was not as nerve racking as the first time because I knew what to expect. Still not much fun but it could be much worse.

Thank you all for the support you gave me on my last post and most of all for the prayers. Keep em coming for me. I don't ever want this nasty little thing popping it's head back up in the future...consider it preventive maintenance =)

Well see you all next week after number 3
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tommo1968 Premium
Thoughts and prayers are with you, hopefully the side effects are not too uncomfortable for you.
Ty Johnson Premium
No the Chemo I am talking does not make you sick or make your hair fall out or any of that stuff. It's not as bad as all that in my case. Thank you for the prayers. I appreciate every last one I get.
Renni Premium
You show how determined and positive you are every day. God bless you and keep (make) you well. You are always in my prayers.
Ty Johnson Premium
Thank you Renni I doing a lot better and the doc said my cancer is curable and not as serious as it could have been because it was caught so early.

My prayers are with you as well =)
bigstevec Premium
lost mom and one of my best friends to the big C - and it's devastating - on the other side of the coin - i spent 10 years (2 yrs as pres) of a local chapter of the jimmy fund and things are much brighter for pediatric oncology and cancer treatment in general - keep up the great attitude and hope your health is well
Ty Johnson Premium
My health is fine. If anyone thinks I'm gonna lay down and let this thing overcome me they don't know me very well.
dreamworks Premium
best wishes!
Ty Johnson Premium
thank you
Amy Farr Premium
More good thoughts and prayers coming your way!
Ty Johnson Premium
Thanks Amy they are coming right back to you =)