Many People Make A Big Footprint, But They're Leaving The Wrong Impression

Last Update: July 11, 2012
I was talking to my mom on yahoo the other day and we were having a discussion about being humble vs playing the big shot, now my father was a prime example of this.

He loved to play the big shot, don't get me wrong here, he was a good man and very successful, he could do in 6 months what most people would do in 5 years, and he did this time and gain throughout his life.

He would start a brand new business from scratch with almost no investment, and in 6 months he was on top of the world with it, shoot he wasn't playing big shot, he really was a big shot and he loved the attention.

At the same time tho, once the challenge of something was gone, he just wanted to sell it and move on, he craved the excitement and adventure of moving to a new place and starting from nothing and catapulting himself to the top.

This lifestyle was very adventurous and exciting but the downside to that is, when you are always moving you never get to put down roots, and you never get to grow as a family.

My dad left a huge footprint where ever he went, people loved him, they were drawn to him, he had a charisma that few people in this world do, but my fondest memories of him were when we were alone.

You see behind closed doors he was very much a family man at heart, and he would lose the big shot roll, he was just being himself.

I believe if he let the rest of the world see him like that, they would have loved him all the more, and of course we all have mask that we put on for different occasions, but the scariest thing we can do is to put our real selves out there to the world, but in doing so we gain a strength and understanding of ourselves that we will never have otherwise.

So next time your trying to make a BIG impression, stop for a split second and ask yourself, is it better to leave a big impression, or a smaller impression that is really me.

If people don't know the real you, they can't hurt the real you, but at the same time, they can't love the real you either.

Just a little food for thought, let me know what you think below =)
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SquidooSlfMstr Premium
I love that story, Ty. I can see how building businesses from scratch, especially with no money, can be "addicting." Your father has what you call "true" (financial) wealth. Throw him in a city with just $100 so he can eat and he'll be financially free/ stable in less than a year.

There's always Other People's Money and Other People's Resources. If you can convince them that your skills will make them gain something more, you're set.

Hopefully WA members will gain the skill where they can create money with just a laptop and internet connection. They can lose everything in their bank account and be temporarily broke. But the will never be poor because their skill can create money at will. What a feeling!

But, you're right. You must be able to balance your life and know what's really important in life. The Aurora Colorado shooting reminds us all of what truly matters... family, friends, making memories, and the gift of life.

See you around,
Ty Johnson Premium
Thanks Charlie, I just heard about the shooting a few minuets ago, it's such a shame I felt awful when I heard about it.

I hope more people will find success in their lives be it through WA or otherwise, I don't know that guys story but you don't often see fulfilled people going on mass murder sprees for no good reason.
Shawn Martin Premium
One of the reasons I used my real name here at WA. Now, I use a pen name at SA< but that is because I always wanted a pen name, lol. I agree Ty, it pays to be yourself.
Ty Johnson Premium
Nothing wrong with a pen name, lol, I don't think any of us show the real us all the time, but it is good to do so sometimes, for me at least when I write, I think people like it better when I'm just being me. I think people can tell it's genuine and they appreciate that
My philosophy has been to always try to be myself and to trust people until they give me a reason not to. It's great that you got to share that family man side of your Dad.
Ty Johnson Premium
I used to do the same thing, but I have found that as I have started to trust myself, and believe in myself, it makes much less difference to me if other people trust me. Or if I trust them
Sunrae Premium
I enjoyed reading this article and although I believe showing the real you is importation, I don't trust people enough to let down my guard and truly be myself. Some people see kindness as weakness and will take advantage of that. I basically keep my protective wall up until I believe I can trust a person and that takes a while for me. Thanks for the great article, makes me go...hmmmm...
Ty Johnson Premium
we all do that to our own degree, It is very hard to let your guard down but life is about empowerment, it's about being able to be yourself, and being comfortable with what others think of you, be it good or bad and you will have both.

True strength is being able to to be who you are and being ok with it if others don't like it, and that is also the secret to being happy, I know you can't come to that over night, but you can, if you choose to, work toward that that, you will be glad in the end if you decide to
I think your comments are profound.
Ty Johnson Premium
Thank you, I appreciate that =)