Day 1

Last Update: May 04, 2010

Well, after searching for hours, days and probably weeks I have managed to fight my way through the thousands of online "scams" most of us have probably read and thought about.  

In a nutshell, I believe I have found something truly different, no more non active email addresses, phone numbers etc....what you see here is what you get!  And what do you get?....well, that I can't fully answer right now as i'm currently finding my way around the vast amount of information, lessons and general qaulity posts that WA and its member have to offer and share - wow, what a stroke of luck this was....or was it?  Was this mapped out for me to find, who knows but i do know i'm here to read and soak up as much information as my brain can handle.  I know this is no "get rich quick scheme", but i also know that other than winning the lottery; these simply don't exist.

So guys, here we go....the journey starts here and i wish each and every one of us the very best of luck along the way...who knows i may even see some of you in Vegas :P (thats my aim).


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martyn01202 Premium
Hi Shaun,

I know what you mean about the content on WA; being so vast that you don't know what to look at first.

However, they are aware of this 'information overload' and do tend to drip-feed the courses to you.

It has helped me focus, though. I was all over the place with my 'Internet' businesses.

On Monday, I'm launching my own consultancy office to help local businesses get online and become successful on it.

WA is where I come to read up on everything Internet marketing, not just affiliate stuff but the tons of other content, too.

I'm sure that you'll find it worthwhile. Welcome along.