Day 3 - part two

Last Update: May 06, 2010

Evening all, well today has been a funny old day...i guess it wasn't helped by the election and the fact many clients are off today as a result!   I have taken a few hours tonight to have a good look around the WA site and i'm already looking to use a "feeder page" and buy a domain name.

Most of you on here will probably think "wtf, this english guy is insane; not only is he a complete newbie but he can't even progress to lesson two of his training until saturday" - first of all, you guys and girls are probably right...but i need to have a site (even if it is just a feeder) so i can at least send emails out to my contacts and then have flyers and business cards designed (by myself) and printed.......this way i can at least start my first affiliate drive, even if it is only to WA!

With regard to my main site, i have a few ideas of setting up sites and contacting local businesses to have the advertise with me...this should give some residual income coming in, simply to use as additional marketing capital to help promote my main "niche" sites (once i establish what these will be).

I have also contacted and made some enquiries with lead generation sites (if anyone needs any advice, please drop me a line); as i've experience of dealing with these in past marketing and sales campaigns.  I must stress at this point that i have indepth experience not only with f2f and b2b field sales/management; but also a vast amount of experience in telesales, telecanvassing, cold calling (i've worked offshore in Egypt) as well as lead generation - possibly a service i could advertise under "jobs" on here when i have things up and running?!?

Your thoughts would be appreciated (if you think i'm moving too quickly, please reel me back in...i won't be offended)!



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